Another year
1 min read
Thanks for everyone’s birthday wishes, e-cards, and gifts. I’m surprised that people actually remembered, even if some people got hints to remind them. Hehe. I especially cherish those who took time out of their busy schedule’s to come celebrate with me. I think as years go by, I’ve really focused less and less on gifts…
Presents under the tree
1 min read
Here’s some of the presents that I have under the tree so far: Can you see the little bit of tinsel draped over the sad sad tree? Wait, can you even see the tree because it’s so small?
Laundry extras
1 min read
Aw man, I just pulled my clothes out of the dryer and found my chapstick in there. I hate when that happens.
Holiday shopping
1 min read
I love holiday shopping. Wait, let me qualify that statement. I love late night holiday shopping. I love it because stores are open late. We were walking through Macy’s at midnight last Friday, and I was at Target until 11pm tonight. I’m all shopped out…for today at least.
Pictures with Santa
1 min read
I was substituting at the preschool this morning and we took the kids on a field trip to the mall to take pictures with Santa Claus. It was cute to see all the little kids. Some were shy and even scared of Santa. We only had 2 kids. One didn’t want to look at Santa.…
1 min read
I was shopping the other day at the Old Navy downtown. There was something eerie about the mannequins there, but I couldn’t figure out what it was at first. Evey time I turned around, I saw them looking back at me. Then I figured out what it was. These mannequins had heads. They had faces,…
Free Shipping at Target
0 min read
More in the spirit of poop…
1 min read
This is pretty funny. It’s just dancing babies that sing a little song. http://i.flowgo.com/greetings/madeapoop/madeapoop.swf
Congratulations Rona!
1 min read
Rona is trying to set a record: got a boyfriend, got engaged, and is going to married…all in 8 months. Good thing they’ve known each other for a long time already. I’d have to say that’s a pretty close tie with my cousin Penny, who met a guy, got engaged in 3 months, and married…
So there is a limit…
1 min read
Abercrombie and Fitch pulled their racy Christmas catalog. Sex sells, but too much sex doesn’t sell…at least not yet. Good thing, because in this day and age, everything seems to be “ok” as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody. What is considered “ok” to Christians now? Isn’t sin, even just a little bit, still sin?…
How Hershey Kisses are made
0 min read
Movie recommendations
1 min read
Great rentals: The Italian Job, Suicide Kings, and The Life of David Gale. They’re even better when you have a coupon. Hehe…yes, cheap Chinese, that’s me.
First time in a while, I’m scared
1 min read
I just watched this.
Wishlist item
1 min read
I wonder if Santa would get this for me.
How not to get fired because of your blog
1 min read
Read Blogger’s tips about blogging at work. The guy at Microsoft should have read it and should have been more careful about putting up so many details online so this wouldn’t have happened. (Yeah, that’s why I’m so vague all the time, yeah, that’s it…it’s not that I can’t write.) It also mentions about a…
II stix back, resorts open.
1 min read
IIstix is back up. Kirkwood and Sugarbowl is opening this weekend. All is well. Actually, all would be better if I actually get to go up, instead of announcing the fact that the resorts are opening.
Acura commercial
1 min read
I was watching the news this evening, and saw an Acura commercial. I noticed the orchestra shot that lasted for a whole 2 seconds. I was there!
Brake job and what else?
1 min read
Car maintenance is so expensive. I had to bring in my car to get the brakes fixed, and they told me I should get all these other things done to my car. Man, that’s how they make money, I guess. No thanks. If it ain’t making noises, it don’t need to be fixed. That’s my…
Funny pic from email
1 min read
Actually, it’s the fact that I got these emails from people I don’t know that’s funny. Well, ok, the picture is pretty weird.
You are what you listen to
1 min read
You can probably tell a lot about people from what kind of music they listen to. Since I haven’t been writing much, I figured I’d let my music choice tell all. I just installed Christine’s winamp hoverable playlist. It’s awesome.