More geeky than girly.


  • Anyone who travels with me knows that I love trying local foods and drinks, and yes, that includes beer. Phuket, Thailand.

  • Phuket, Thailand. Thailand is still definitely a scooter culture. Look at the row of them in the background. Oh, and I love how the man is the only one with a helmet. What’s up with that?

  • Chakri Mahaprasad Hall, Grand Palace. Bangkok, Thailand. This building was once a royal residence. It’s now used for important ceremonial occasions such as coronations.

  • Orchid Farm

    Chiang Mai, Thailand

  • Ayutthaya, Thailand. Apparently, your head cannot be higher than the buddha’s so if you wanted to stand near the buddha head to take a picture, you were supposed to kneel.  My friend Arnold wanted me to take his picture as he was getting up so his head would be higher than the buddha’s….so sneaky!

  • Elephant Trek

    Chiang Mai, Thailand +- Thailand was fun. Too bad everyone tried to speak to me in Thai because they thought I was Thai. So sad. No wonder everyone in China looks at me funny, probably because I don’t look Chinese. Anyways, I learned several phrases in Thai–one of which is “mai chai khon Thai”, meaning…

  • I haven’t had time to do much, but here’s just a celebration of summer, golf, and island fun. It’…