Singha: Thai beer
1 min read
Anyone who travels with me knows that I love trying local foods and drinks, and yes, that includes beer. Phuket, Thailand.
Load up the family moped
1 min read
Phuket, Thailand. Thailand is still definitely a scooter culture. Look at the row of them in the background. Oh, and I love how the man is the only one with a helmet. What’s up with that?
Grand Palace Hall
1 min read
Chakri Mahaprasad Hall, Grand Palace. Bangkok, Thailand. This building was once a royal residence. It’s now used for important ceremonial occasions such as coronations.
Orchid Farm
1 min read
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Buddha Head in a Tree
1 min read
Ayutthaya, Thailand. Apparently, your head cannot be higher than the buddha’s so if you wanted to stand near the buddha head to take a picture, you were supposed to kneel. My friend Arnold wanted me to take his picture as he was getting up so his head would be higher than the buddha’s….so sneaky!
Elephant Trek
1 min read
Chiang Mai, Thailand +- Thailand was fun. Too bad everyone tried to speak to me in Thai because they thought I was Thai. So sad. No wonder everyone in China looks at me funny, probably because I don’t look Chinese. Anyways, I learned several phrases in Thai–one of which is “mai chai khon Thai”, meaning…
North Shore Edition
1 min read
I haven’t had time to do much, but here’s just a celebration of summer, golf, and island fun. It’…