
Thanksgiving should be spent with family at home, not at the ER.  That's where my dad went for a few hours today because of heart palpitations.  Things are fine now, but I'm glad he's ok and that my mom's ok as well.  I always say you can tell how she's doing, healthwise, by how much she cooks.  She made dinner for my dad's side today, so I'd say it was a good day overall.  Thanks God.


Marcia November 23, 2006 Reply

I'm glad that your dad's ok. =) Happy Thanksgiving!



sacrod November 23, 2006 Reply

I'm glad to know he's OK too! :) Hope your Thanksgiving was otherwise fine!

penguingolfer89 November 24, 2006 Reply

Glad things went ok! I'll be praying for your dad and mom. Hope Thanksgiving was good!

some girl November 25, 2006 Reply

Thanks for all your well-wishes. My Thanksgiving was great. I'm still stuffed, like a turkey. Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday as well!

Talk to me, Goose.

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