Here are some neat things regarding Google’s email I’ve found recently. They might not be new, but I think I need to jot them down here so I won’t forget these tips. These hacks could be helpful for fighting or tracing spam.
The Dot
Apparently, Gmail does not recognize the dot (or capitalization either) in gmail addresses. So is the same as and all the different combinations are sent to your inbox.
The Plus
Did you know you have an unlimited amount of aliases with Gmail? You can receive messages that are sent to For example, if you forced to register online, you can use If you start getting spam, you ‘ll know who gave your address away and you can probably then set up a filter to automatically direct those messages to, oh, say, THE TRASH.
Of course, I don’t want to forget that is also the same as Mail from either address goes to your inbox. This is probably because they can’t use in Europe. Just a reminder though, you’ll need to login with the original address you signed up with and some websites won’t accept symbols as valid email addresses. Still, I think these are pretty neat tricks.
Talk to me, Goose.