My days have been filled with lessons, lesson planning, eating, hand-washing my clothes, and shopping for food and other necessities. I haven’t been able to get online until recently when my teammate discovered a wireless connection near the window…haha! If I had time, I would have gone to what my students call “net bars” where they play computer games and get internet connection. Last place we checked it was 3 yuan for 30 minutes. That’s less than 50 cents. So tempting, but I need to get my work done first. The guy in the picture is my teaching partner, John. Ok, gotta make some phone calls with my phone card. I finally figured out how to use it after a week. Yeah, it’s sad that I can’t read.
Wireless in China
4 responses
Hehe, nice. That's the way to get into others networks..
that apt looks way nicer than our net beds in 99! I want to see how the bathroom looks like! Is it a squatty potty?
haha…our net beds and shower/toilet/sink area-in-one was pretty ghetto. i got smarter this year and brought bug repellent. remember the battle wounds?
yes, I remember those… I didn't wear shorts (and still got a good number of bites), but the rest of you were covered…
Talk to me, Goose.