More geeky than girly.


  • I love this piece–not the image that I took, but the artwork that was pasted on this fence. No, I didn’t do any of that fancy selective coloring stuff to it. This image was left in full color. I love how the gloves (and mask) look almost 3D, but the image is entirely two dimensional.…

  • It’s a particularly insidious problem for fast-growing start-ups [or small businesses]. When you’re really small and you’re just starting out, you don’t have that many people, so keeping everyone in the loop on everything doesn’t really take that much time. But as you get bigger, the number of people who might potentially get involved in…

  • Fabric

    For anyone who knows me, shopping at fabric stores is NOT my thing. But I’m pretty easy-going so my crafty friend dragged me along to buy stuff for her latest project. First stop, Discount Fabrics on Irving. Surprising, but I actually found some black cloth from that leftover scrap bin (I think there’s a fancy…

  • Parcel 104

    A birthday dinner, 2009, at Parcel 104. On Yelp, they suggest the following attire: dressy. My friends went in their sweatpants and scrubs, and I in my “casual friday” wear.

  • Taken along Columbus.

  • I’ve been to St. Louis twice now, and every time, it just feels so quiet to me. Ok, besides the 16,000+ college students who were at the conference with me or the occasional crowd coming out of a Blues game, there just wasn’t much going on downtown. Here’s a picture taken right before New Year’s…

  • As seen in Union Square, San Francisco.


    The great glory and strength of pluralism is that it compels the holder of any belief to measure its truthfulness against alternative interpretations. The great hazard of pluralism is the faulty deduction, in the name of tolerance, that all beliefs can be equally true. ~Deliver Us From Evil, Ravi Zacharias Taken during a photowalk with…

  • When G. K. Chesterton was arguing against a rationalist who denied miracles on the ground that experience is against it, he cited this: There was a great Irish Rationalist of this school who, when he was told that a witness had seen him commit a murder, said he could bring a hundred witnesses who had…

  • Inside the Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall. The official rule is that no photography is allowed in the hall at any time. However, my friend, a “symphony subscriber,” has even had ushers help take pictures in the past. Go figure. I always feel outta place when I’m there. (Like I said, my friend is a…

  • I miss seeing sunlight when I get off work. This photo was taken before Daylight Savings ended. It’s so dark and cold when I come out of my building. Boo. Shot out the driver side front window while I was driving. Is that legal? Sorry about that sticker on the lower left of the window.

  • I had the opportunity to do my first family “photoshoot” EVER. I put it in quotes because I don’t think I really did anything other than push the shutter button. The parents, my colleagues, both happen to be photographers themselves. No pressure, right? It was definitely challenging to get everyone (Mom, Dad, 3 year old…

  • Some talent floating around the city. These were found along Columbus.

  • It’s been exactly one year since my grandmother passed away. They finally carved the date into the headstone (shown in the photo above). This weekend, we had to say goodbye to my Uncle Larry, who died at 52, leaving behind a wife, and 2 daughters (ages 11 and 9). He and my mom were pretty…

  • 3 of a Kind

    From a Halloween photowalk this weekend. My first official photowalk EVER! Thanks to Caliber. See everyone else’s photos at Flickr.

  • Fun game of “pin the tail on the donkey” at the Harvest Festival yesterday. They had to spin around a few times before each turn. Try #1. Good try. Try #2. Whoa there, pin the tail on the donkey, not on the camera! Whew, that was close. Good job, kid. Moral of the story: make…

  • Wrong Foot

    I like how her Crocs are on backwards.

  • Bikes

    Taken during the SFPD cable car pull challenge this weekend benefiting the “Make A Wish” Foundation. Good job to Kathy, Johnny, and Toby for pulling that cable car!

  • dr. ooler

    dr. ooler, aka Enzo.

  • I was cleaning out my email when I saw this coupon code for a Labor Day special. I wasn’t even thinking labor in terms of work, either, because a lot of my friends are in the “baby” stage. But what kind of email subject line is that?