Wishlist item
1 min read
I wonder if Santa would get this for me.
Acura commercial
1 min read
I was watching the news this evening, and saw an Acura commercial. I noticed the orchestra shot that lasted for a whole 2 seconds. I was there!
Brake job and what else?
1 min read
Car maintenance is so expensive. I had to bring in my car to get the brakes fixed, and they told me I should get all these other things done to my car. Man, that’s how they make money, I guess. No thanks. If it ain’t making noises, it don’t need to be fixed. That’s my…
Aw yeah…
1 min read
It’s about 50 degrees outside and dropping. It’s warmer outside my house than inside my room. As I walk down the street, I feel a sharp pain in my sinuses as I inhale the chilly air and chimney smoke. A light drizzle dampens my hair. I’m ready to break out my jackets and sweaters. It…
1 min read
I’m sick, tired, and I’m hungry. Mess with me and die.
Yay, printing capabilities!
1 min read
I finally got a printer! I will definitely put this to good use. How could I have worked and done school stuff without a printer for so long?
No more caffeine at night
1 min read
Ok, I gotta stop the caffeine intake in the PM.
View from parents’ new house
1 min read
See any yellow apartment buildings? That would be Cindy’s house. I was talking to her while I took the pictures. I asked her if she could see my flash go off. She lives about 10 minutes away…hehe. I had dinner there tonight, so I was playing around with the camera.
Model Bible study leader?
1 min read
My new Bible study discussion leader is a mother of 4 kids, has a dog, owns an extremely large house with a waterfall in the backyard, and drives a Porsche Boxster. I want to be like her when I grow up (minus the kids).
Equinox what?
1 min read
Me: So, have you been riding lately? Arnold: Not since the equinox changed. Me: Oh. Arnold: Yeah. Me: What on earth did you just say? Arnold: You know, the equinox, you know what it means, right? Me: You mean that it gets dark earlier now, right? You’re such a nerd for talking like that. And…
Nai-cha overdose
1 min read
What am I doing awake at this hour? Need…sleep…
It’s the Friday Five again!
1 min read
The Friday Five: 1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones? Yea, I like to watch baseball, football, golf, tennis, the Olympics, and some of those extreme sports stuff. 2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes? Gotta go with the East Bay teams: Raiders and the A’s. 3. Are there any…
Fleet week(end)?
1 min read
Why do they call it fleet week when most of the stuff happens on the weekend? Shouldn’t they call it fleet weekend? Anyhoo, they’re back! Hopefully I’ll get a chance to see them this weekend.
What means Caucasian?
1 min read
I was talking to someone today, whose name I will not mention, but goes by the nickname “laugau”, and we were talking about how his wife made a comment while watching baseball. Friend’s wife: there are a lot of Hispanics and Latinos playing on the teams now. Friend: a lot of sports nowadays are filled…
Friday Five
1 min read
Yay, I like today’s Friday Five. 1. What vehicle do you drive? 2001 VW Jetta Wolfsburg Edition. 2. How long have you had it? Since 2001. 3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle? I like the fact that the turbo kicks in at 1950 rpm, producing the ability to “peel-out if you’re starting…
Surrounded by sickness
1 min read
Man, everyone around me is sick. Our softball team was full of unhealthy people last week. At work today (yes, work on Saturday), I was stuck in a little room with 2 people who were coughing like crazy. I was sick a few weeks ago. I sure hope I don’t get sick again.
Starbucks to invade Paris
1 min read
Starbucks plans to open stores in Paris next year. Why go to Paris? I’ve never been there, but I imagine that there are a lot of pastry/bakery cafe’s there already. What’s going to happen to all the Mom and Pop places? I know, too often is Starbucks looked down upon as a capitalistic American corporation.…
Friday Five
2 min read
Ooh, I remembered to do the Friday Five: 1. Who is your favorite singer/musician? Why? I’m going to date myself on this one. One of my favorite singers is Janet Jackson. She can do everything: sing, dance, and act. 2. What one singer/musician can you not stand? Why? I don’t really like John Mayer’s voice.…
Formula: How to know right from wrong
1 min read
Excerpt taken from the Pursuit of Holiness: The formula asks 4 questions based on 3 verses in 1 Corinthians: 1. “‘Everything is permissible for me’ — but not everything is beneficial” (1 Corinthians 6:12). Question 1: Is it helpful — physically, spiritually, and mentally? 2. “‘Everything is permissible for me’ — but I will not…
1 min read
I went to take out the garbage tonight and it was so pleasant! T-shirt and shorts weather…IN SAN FRANCISCO!!! That’s what I remember summers to be like. I love it.