More geeky than girly.


  • Left 4 Dead

    As seen somewhere in Wyoming.

  • It’s been fun (and sometimes weird) driving through and stopping in small towns, and I mean REALLY small towns. Image taken in Dubois, Wyoming.

  • It’s been a while since I’ve posted for my alphabet project. So I had to make up for it by using a double letter bonus. Camera is sitting in Wyoming while I’m jumping in Montana. Taken inside the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. Side thought: why do my pants look so short? Time to do…

  • Luna

    It’s National Park Week, so I’m out visiting a couple different places. I forgot my stormtroopers that I usually take pictures of, so I had to settle am so grateful for a picture of my friend’s gorilla. Luna Gorilla at Mt. Rushmore.

  • Baby on Board

    I guess there’s really nowhere to put that small “baby on board” sign that people place in the back window of their cars to encourage safe driving. I can’t imagine my sister biking around like this with Abby. Image taken while I was riding my bike. I don’t really like it because it’s slightly blurry.…

  • Image taken around Christmas in Alamo Square, near the “Full House” House. Yes, that’s what winter looks like in San Francisco.

  • The Red Sea

    Inside the Bird’s Nest, Beijing, China.

  • Low-ri-der

    From Abby’s first visit to the Academy of Sciences today. Why does she always look so funny in strollers? Remember her as a Cabbage Patch doll? I could have titled this “I can’t put my arms down!” or “Abby ready for double sticky hands.” The dark shadow you see in the upper right is not…

  • LOL

    Not the greatest picture, but I loved the moment. David duChemin actually just published a blog post today saying if you want better portraits, wait for the soul. Perhaps I should have waited for their eyes to open. Photo taken in 2009 at a school in Shanghai with my medical team. You might recall other…

  • I can never get skin tones and colors right. I think I need to calibrate my monitors. Too bad I don’t have any programs. Skinny guy in the picture is my brother at a wedding last October. Not sure why I cut off his face.

  • It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.

  • My niece Abby and her first In-N-Out burger– a grilled cheese, of course. Feb. 5, 2011 Auburn, CA

  • I’ve spent the past 5 summers with students in China. I don’t shoot as much as I usually do because I feel like I’m “at work” and need to make sure the project is going well and that everyone’s doing well. That’s probably why I’ve posted very few pictures from China here on the blog.…

  • My two favorite drugs of choice: black tar (my camera) and white powder (seen below). Not the best image, but it’s the first time I lugged a DSLR up to the slopes. I didn’t have a choice since I dropped and broke my point-and-shoot in Shanghai back in 2007. The picture was taken this past…

  • Some groups like to take pictures of food. This group likes to jump. Pictures are from this past summer’s program. The 3rd picture is too blurry–gotta work on taking action shots in lower light levels. Jumping at Tiananmen Square: Jumping at Yuanmingyuan (The Old Summer Palace): Jumping at the Ethnic Minority Park: Jumping at Olympic…

  • Purple Tie

    Random image of a random guy standing at the Ferry Building, San Francisco. I don’t really like this image, in terms of photography, but this one’s in honor of The Sartorialist, not that I’m putting us in the same category/rank or anything. High five to Esther for pointing me to his blog. Check out this…

  • Not sure why, but like the title says, I have a thing for orange. Remember this one? Anyways, the bikes not even in focus and I chopped off his head and shoes, so nothing special about this picture but oh well. I like orange. I still need to sell my bike. Maybe I need to…

  • It’s been a while since my last installment in my Project A-Z, so I figured I need to get going on it. My new year’s resolution is to complete the project…soon. :) Nothing much going on today, just hanging out at home. I really enjoyed the holiday system in HK when I worked there (well,…

  • I realized I don’t have a lot of pictures of myself. No, I’m not a narcissist, but I was looking for a new profile picture to use and couldn’t find one. Another day and another year older now. This time of year always makes me reflect (can a pun be made using an image?) on…

  • Triple Action

    As seen on Church St.