Nintendo lovers, finish the code: up up down down… Doesn’t this t-shirt bring back memories?
Contra Code
6 responses
… left right left right B A Start
memories???? I just played it last night….
I'm so playing that tonight…
lol nice…that code also work for this airplane game LifeForce.. I think that's what its called
Haha….I LOVED contra. Rapid spread was my weapon of choice.
lol I liked the machine gun…I did however like the spread cuz it can hit most of the screen…2 players + rapid spread = easy win =)
I don't know if I'm the last person to find out or anything…but did you guys know that there is a Contra out for ps2? I saw it the other day walking around Fry's :/ I wonder does the code work for that one
Talk to me, Goose.