Double firing, double hiring?

I just finished watching The Apprentice. The Donald has been on a firing rampage this season, so...

I just finished watching The Apprentice. The Donald has been on a firing rampage this season, sometimes firing 2 at a time, like in tonight’s episode. Two are left, and I must say they’re 2 pretty good contenders. Following the trend of the surprise double firings this season, I’m predicting a double hiring. That’s right, two apprentices this time. Anyone up for a wager?


Sam Beckett December 2, 2005 Reply

That's an interesting prediction. Ziggy says there's a 65% percent chance of that happening.

Nathan December 5, 2005 Reply

I'll bet you my Stargate seasons 7 and 8 DVD's that it won't happen.

beej December 6, 2005 Reply

Nathan, that's a mighty big wager. You can start packing them up for me.

penguingolfer89 December 6, 2005 Reply

good going, Nathan. your gonna lose and be sad…haha.

Talk to me, Goose.

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