More geeky than girly.

Dave Barnes

Dave Barnes at Cafe du Nord.  And yes, of course he's playing a Taylor.

This shot was one of the few OK ones out of the bunch. It's slightly cropped with a little fill light added in. Looks better against the light background (so you can tell where the picture ends). It was good for me to experiment shooting in low light without flash.  I need more practice.

And a little more about the music: this guy's pretty good.  He was all over the fret board.  A little bit of blues with a pop-y sound.  That is the description that was given to me before I went.  Thumbs up for this guy.  He's funny too.  

2 responses

  1. will Avatar

    good job with the photo.

  2. some girl Avatar

    thanks. i didnt do that much, and he STILL looks orange.

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