More geeky than girly.

Geek salad

I worked a half day today, which was great cuz I got to relax. The other half was spent catching up on reading all my RSS subscriptions. I like it cuz I don’t have to visit every single website, all the news that gets published is brought to me. I use Thunderbird since I use it for email as well, but if you want to try it out, I’d suggest something like Bloglines. I also found livemarks, which is a project to show bookmarks live. There’s a handy dandy Firefox extension called JustBlogIt that let’s me blog about things pretty effortlessly. Firefox? What, too cool for IE? That’s right. I should put up one of those images, but I think the pop up bar I have now is good enough.

I’m a little late, Open Office 2.0 is out. Finally, I can edit my resume without it looking all weird.

And I also found a lot of cool broadband tools. While you’re there, test your line performance. Or find out your IP address. A lot of people probably already know about this stuff. See, I’m not that geeky. Wait, I just posted about it, yeah I am.

Anyways, I did almost nothing today, which was a time of much needed rest. I gotta make sure I get my stuff done. Remember the milk.

Talk to me, Goose.

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