At this stage in my life, I sadly realized that many of my friends are friends of convenience. They’ll hang out when it’s convenient for them. Who actually MAKES plans or intentionally sets aside time to hang out now? Is it because they’re all married and have their spouses now, so they don’t really need to hang out with anyone else? O maybe they just have better things to do, you know, like taking care of their precious homes and domestic things like that. I hope I’m not like that, ditching my friends and all, when I’m married. Sense any bitterness in this post? Where?
I’m waiting for someone to post a compassionate comment like this: Suck it up, Jen, you just need to learn to be content with what you have. Then I’ll just delete it and email you saying, "So you figured out I was writing about you, eh?" Muahaha…
Ok ok, enough ranting. I do have one friend in this world who is the ultimate plan-maker. I know she has a lot going on, yet, she will still set aside time to spend with me, include me in things she’s doing, or actually do some of the things that I enjoy. She still makes time for all her friends, even after she’s married. She doesn’t HAVE to do anything with me, not anymore at least, but she does things just because one of her strengths is caring. I know she’s one person I can count on ALWAYS. Best Friends Forever? That and more. Happy Birthday to Melissa, Best Sisters Forever.
Awww….how sweet.
Ok ok, enough mush.
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