More geeky than girly.


  • For all the cubicle workers out there. This is probably one of my favorite e-cards that I’ve gotten so far. I can be very sarcastic, especially when I’m upset, mad, or frustrated. But over the years I’ve improved, trying to show the grace that I’ve received. Thanks, grrl.

  • Monthly memory verse for my high schoolers: Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV) 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. It’s the start of…

  • Look, these are only $30 on Amazon! I posted about them back in November. I gotta stop looking at all these deals. I've been buying online too much. Online shopping is addicting! I've also been sharing some of the deals at the bottom of this page. People have been asking me where I find them.…

  • Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving should be spent with family at home, not at the ER.  That's where my dad went for a few hours today because of heart palpitations.  Things are fine now, but I'm glad he's ok and that my mom's ok as well.  I always say you can tell how she's doing, healthwise, by how much…

  • I miss practicing. Because it’s getting dark pretty early and I can’t play tennis after work, maybe I should start training again.

  • Been playing around with another photoblog plugin for WordPress.  Still a lot of things I need to figure out, so we’ll see if I stick with this one. So this site is once again what they call fluid.  All the columns should be pretty flexible now, and adjusts to the size of the browser window,…

  • These guys have a special place in my heart–first class I’ve had for all 4 years of high school. I love bittersweet chocolate. I hate bittersweet times.

  • Some of my kids messin’ around with their ties, which were used as part of their name tags.

  • More laundry

    Here’s a picture of the guys’ room with laundry from 4 of my teammates. The clothes didn’t dry too well that way so they all smell kinda mildewy…yuck. I’ve been doing a few articles of clothing each day, so mine are fine. I’m taking the Sabbath off so no laundry today for me. I got…

  • My days have been filled with lessons, lesson planning, eating, hand-washing my clothes, and shopping for food and other necessities. I haven’t been able to get online until recently when my teammate discovered a wireless connection near the window…haha! If I had time, I would have gone to what my students call “net bars” where…

  • So I’m leaving at the end of June and won’t be back until the first week of August. My cube-mate and I share a calendar for our schedules. I’ll be gone for the entire month of July. Look what he put up: +- Check out this guy’s demonstration of the evolution of dance. Good times.

  • I’ve set a personal record: I’ve worked in an office environment for half a year now (6 months exactly next week).  So here’s a few things I’ve tried to do recently. If I’m sending an e-mail that absolutely HAS to be perfect before it goes out, I leave the address out of the “To” field.…

  • Tiger Woods’ father dies at 74.

  • Crash

    The surprise Best Picture Oscar winner last year. And not a bad movie at that. I am by no means a movie critic, nor do I watch movies all that often for that matter. But this movie was super intense, maybe because racial issues really get me riled up. Is it because I am part…

  • Butt missiles

    WARNING!!!  The following contains atrocious verbage: obviously close friend (maybe too close): last fri i went to peet’s with  my friend after work.  i didn’t really have a big lunch so my stomach was kind of empty.  i ordered a medium coffee…  ohhh boy….  we sat and chatted for about 45 minutes and then the…

  • Here goes another (I wonder how much of this people know about me): Place an X by all the things you’ve done, or remove the X from the ones you have not, then answer the following questions and post it on your blog.” My comments in []. ( x )Smoked a cigarette [that’s according to…

  • Today is the 100th anniversary of the great quake (check out the old-fashioned design on that site). The earthquake hit San Francisco at 5:12:05 a.m. There were two shocks. The second one was stronger. It lasted 40 seconds, but in those seconds, energy equivalent to several nuclear bombs was released. Some scientists say that the…

  • It’s still snowing in Tahoe!  I was up there a week and a half ago sliding and it was great. Looks like there will be more snow throughout the week. So make the best of all of this precipitation.  Get out of the city and go skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, or dog sledding! +- On a…

  • Lost: a dream?

    Can someone tell me what on earth is going on? Last night’s episode was exactly what some people predicted about the show. I hate when the episode ends. The show is like a drug — it just leaves you wanting more.