More geeky than girly.


  • Is black the new green? Google turned its home page black in support of Earth Hour. TechCrunch brings up a good point: Google, ironically, is causing more people to visit their site, using even more power to celebrate Earth Hour than they would on a normal day. It looks so funny that it almost made…

  • Today is the 100th anniversary of the great quake (check out the old-fashioned design on that site). The earthquake hit San Francisco at 5:12:05 a.m. There were two shocks. The second one was stronger. It lasted 40 seconds, but in those seconds, energy equivalent to several nuclear bombs was released. Some scientists say that the…

  • Thanksgiving

    So much thanks to give, so much energy writing takes.

  • A Real Job

    I’m still transitioning out…

  • SAT’s

    God, I pray that you will be with the juniors who will be taking the new SAT’s tomorrow. Calm their hearts during those long 4 hours. Give them energy to stay awake, clarity of mind to remember the things they have learned, and wisdom to make good educated guesses when they are unsure of the…

  • First NFL game

    Just got back from watching the Niners. It was pretty fun. We sat in a handicap seating area so we had lots of leg room. I gotta say that it was pretty low energy compared to what I imagine it would be like at a regular season game. What do I mean? Well, let me…

  • San Francisco Chronicle (USA), Dec. 4, 2003http://www.sfgate.comBy Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer Growing numbers shed organized church for loose spiritual sensibility Kellee Hom was raised in the Roman Catholic Church but never imagined she’d become a religious none. No, not “nun.” That’s “none,” as in “none of the above.” Hom is among a growing number…

  • Cartoon

    An energy release for students?