More geeky than girly.


  • On Easter

    Shouting “Alleluia, Christ is risen!” requires an emotional crescendo my melancholy temperament can’t easily manage. Esau McCaulley, New York Times

  • A 2012 WIN/Gallup poll found that China is the most atheistic nation in the world. 47 percent of respondents said they did not belong to any religion. From The Washington Post.

  • Vanessa Pinto, writing for the Huffington Post: We live in a city where we are encouraged to try everything out, but God or religion is definitely not one of them.

  • When G. K. Chesterton was arguing against a rationalist who denied miracles on the ground that experience is against it, he cited this: There was a great Irish Rationalist of this school who, when he was told that a witness had seen him commit a murder, said he could bring a hundred witnesses who had…

  • According to Islamic law, the sharia, it is forbidden for a Muslim to change religions.  In Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Maldive Islands, Afghanistan and Yemen, people can be subject to the death penalty if it is discovered that they have changed religions.

  • On Monday, President Obama lifted the ban on federal funding of stem-cell research using destroyed human embryos. If you support this research, congratulations: You won. Now for your next challenge: Don’t lose your soul.

  • Ben Stein seeks to determine whether Intelligent Design is legitimate or just a pseudo-science in Expelled, the Movie.

  • The World Bank defines poverty as living on less than $2 a day and extreme poverty as living on less than $1 a day.    During Lent, I’ve decided

  • You have been a true friend, You kept me company at night. I’m sorry for my inattention, Oh, how I have neglected you. You allowed me To express myself in ways I never imagined. You opened the door To a web of a world I had never known. You changed me Into a person I…

  • Fixed comments

    I really like it when people leave comments on my site. I like the dialogue and just knowing that…

  • Fierce Goodbye

  • San Francisco Chronicle (USA), Dec. 4, 2003http://www.sfgate.comBy Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer Growing numbers shed organized church for loose spiritual sensibility Kellee Hom was raised in the Roman Catholic Church but never imagined she’d become a religious none. No, not “nun.” That’s “none,” as in “none of the above.” Hom is among a growing number…

  • 10 hour days…add in the commute time: 12 hour days, not to mention several more hours a week to plan for this VBS monster. Just as I was posting this rant, I received some encouragement: ronabow: oh Lord, i pray for my sista beej…that You would grant her rest. Lord, please help her plan for…

  • I don’t feel like writing about anything, but this song by Ten Shekel Shirt came to mind as I watched a most beautiful sunset this evening over the Pacific. Something about the ocean makes me rise up and praise. Something about the heavens makes me stand in awe again. Something about the sunrise reminds me…

  • Poem

    Taken from a creative soul who put this on the internet: You illness of the past century Coming and destroying family You are strong battling From the inside Slyly you are coming Without asking you are entering In between a loving family You are not asking, you are taking But there is something you will…

  • “The Promise” Plus One I know that lately Things have been so hard And looking out Through your broken heart All you can see is dark And lonely days ahead But remember Jesus said [c h o r u s] He knows every star in the sky Every single tear that you cry His love…

  • I changed back to the old comments system. Enetation was just way too slow. I think the page seems to load a little faster now. Things have not been going well lately. Maybe I’m just in a “funk” because things just suddenly seem to come up, all with the goal of giving me grief. There’s…

  • I don’t think I learn or grow as much as when I’m serving in ministry. Weird. Faith is supposed to produce works, which, in turn, increases faith. Only those who have served and survived truly understand what that means. I am starting to understand.