More geeky than girly.


  • Update (Mar. 24): Jon’s away message: if jabbawockeez don’t win this thursday, america is stupid. Me: ooh, i agree with you about the jabbawockeez Jon: HECK YEA!! did you vote? Me:haha…aileen and i had to… Jon: vote some more. like 10x a day. do it online yeahhh do it!! I’m gonna vote alot tonite also…

  • ‘Apprentice’ Chris arrested I knew it was going to happen sooner or later with that guy’s temper. He should have been voted off a long time ago. Computer Issues I’ve been having problems browsing during the evenings. I’d be able to get online to chat, but couldn’t access any websites. Both Jerry and Morgan suggested…

  • You know our world is a different place when MTV conducts profiles on “celebrities” like military leader Tommy Franks.

  • Random stuff

    Check out the yellow sign in the third picture. By the way, I haven’t gotten a chance to write this until now. From my “to do list” (as in A Walk to Remember): Shoot a gun Eat fresh sugar cane Several weeks ago, I went to a shooting range with some friends. I shot a…

  • I’ve been missing out on the many uses of bounce. Well, that’s it. I’m done with classes for this semester. All I have to do now, is finish my work and turn it in. It’s a bit strange. It doesn’t even feel like the end of the school year. In high school, you have yearbooks…

  • It’s such a nice day outside! I should go for a ride, but I’m feeling a little lazy these days. Wait, I feel like this ALL the time! Maybe I should do some shopping. Ok, maybe just window shopping. Hey, it’s hip hop weekend on MTV. I was watching the diary of NAS. Pretty interesting.…

  • I was watching this show on MTV called “Flipped.” They take people and put them in scenarios representing consequences that might happen as a result of their lifestyle or actions. It’s a pretty good show. For example, today, they had 2 people on, a girl and a guy, who had a history of being promiscuous…

  • Another day of work. There is no such thing as relaxing during the weekend as a student. I love the following quote: There are only 2 kinds of people in the world – those who wake up in the morning and say, “Good morning, Lord,” and those who wake up in the morning and say,…