More geeky than girly.


  • Get 2 FREE NIGHTS at Grand Sierra Resort in Reno with new code 2FCH. Valid ANY DATES through 3/31. Some dates are sold out so go to and enter your dates and the offer code in the top corner to check availability. I’m going up this weekend. Phone number for the hotel is (800) 501-2651 if you…

  • My two favorite drugs of choice: black tar (my camera) and white powder (seen below). Not the best image, but it’s the first time I lugged a DSLR up to the slopes. I didn’t have a choice since I dropped and broke my point-and-shoot in Shanghai back in 2007. The picture was taken this past…

  • Free Ticket to either Snowfest AND get a free lift ticket when you get there! I signed up for a ticket for the one in SF. Who’s in? Kirkwood is proud to be a sponsor of the San Francisco Ski and Snowboard Festival, November 7-8, 2009 at the Fort Mason Center, and the inaugural Silicon…

  • SierraSnowboard has Burton 2007 T-Shirts for men on clearance at 75% off starting at $3.74 with free shipping.

  • New Snow White. “Nay deng lah!” High five to Miss Violet for this and the other related ones.

  • There’s just something about snow that makes me smile.

  • No, it wasn’t snowing, but it sure looked like it was. Now that’s the way to spend Valentine’s Day: whacking the heck outta the people around you. I’ve got feathers in places you don’t wanna know. Check out more photos at flickr.

  • Here goes another (I wonder how much of this people know about me): Place an X by all the things you’ve done, or remove the X from the ones you have not, then answer the following questions and post it on your blog.” My comments in []. ( x )Smoked a cigarette [that’s according to…

  • Today is the 100th anniversary of the great quake (check out the old-fashioned design on that site). The earthquake hit San Francisco at 5:12:05 a.m. There were two shocks. The second one was stronger. It lasted 40 seconds, but in those seconds, energy equivalent to several nuclear bombs was released. Some scientists say that the…

  • It’s still snowing in Tahoe!  I was up there a week and a half ago sliding and it was great. Looks like there will be more snow throughout the week. So make the best of all of this precipitation.  Get out of the city and go skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, or dog sledding! +- On a…

  • Going up to Tahoe tomorrow.  Looking forward to some good snow with my free Kirkwood ticket. Pray for safety.

  • I went to WCC for the very first time evar. It was great to see people I haven’t seen in many many years. I was especially encouraged by the fact that they were still serving after all these years, even if they did go to the same jacked up “Christian” school that I went to…

  • Four things

    You know when you played tag and you wanted to be it….oh oh, tag me, tag me! You end up just reaching out asking for the tag? I’m it! Four jobs I’ve had in my life Ice Cream Scooper Teacher Restaurant Manager Therapist Four movies I can watch over and over (hmm, I own the…

  • Update (2/16/06): My friend in BJ said he was able to get on to the AOL site, so it seems that they’re AOK! For my LA trip last week, I rented a car from SFO. While picking up the rental car, the guy directed me to this bright red car (economy size, of course). He…

  • I wish I had time to write about everything that’s been going on this holiday season–my birthday, celebrations, and tomorrow’s snow trip with the high schoolers, but there’s only been one thing on my mind. My mom’s been sick for a while, but she was admitted into the hospital tonight because of an abnormally fast…

  • Someone get me this so we can make igloos on our next snow trip. Yeah, right, can’t waste time of…

  • I’ve gone whitewater rafting before, but this time we ran the Middle Fork of the American River. …

  • I’ve been itching to buy stuff lately. Don’t know why, but I’ve been falling into the girl stereo…

  • I can’t breathe right now. My nose is fully plugged up, so my mouth is open to allow air into my …

  • Freeboard

    Street boarding? No soft snow to fall on. Thanks to Joey for the link.