More geeky than girly.

99 cent rentals

I’ve been renting a lot of movies lately because of all these 99 cent rental coupons. I just watched Kill Bill. Man, there’s a lot of blood spraying around in that movie. I’ve rented 6 movies this week. I have one more coupon for another 3 movies, but I don’t know what else to rent.

4 responses

  1. zhart124 Avatar

    is the last samuri out in dvd yet? i wanna see that?

  2. penguingolfer89 Avatar

    yup last samuri is out as of Tuesday…Oh I have a list of movies…oh wait there not R…sorry…

  3. Tigress Woods Avatar
    Tigress Woods

    Yep, I rented that too.

  4. penguingolfer89 Avatar

    A bunch of earlier wakers today..I see…lol

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