More geeky than girly.

Are you?

For all my geeky friends (and much of my family)… 

How to determine if you are an engineer:

  • The only jokes you receive are through email (OUCH)
  • At Christmas, it goes without saying that you will be the one to find the burnt-out bulb in the string of Christmas lights.
  • Buying flowers for your girlfriend/boyfriend or spending the money to upgrade your RAM is a moral dilemma
  • If you find that you have to often explain how to use the gifts you have given other people.
  • Everyone else on the Alaskan Cruise is on deck peering at the scenery, and you are still on a personal tour of the engine room
  • In college, you thought Spring Break was metal fatigue failure
  • The Salespeople at Circuit City can't answer any of your questions
  • You are always late to meetings
  • You are at an air show and know how fast the skydivers are falling
  • You are next in line on death row in a French Prison and you find that the guillotine is not working properly, so you offer to fix it.
  • You bought your wife/husband a new CD ROM drive for her birthday
  • You forget to get a haircut (for 6 months!)
  • You can quote scenes from any Monty Python movie
  • You can type 70 words per minute but can't read your own handwriting
  • You can't write unless the paper has both horizontal and vertical lines
  • You comment to your wife/husband that her straight hair is nice and parallel
  • You go on the rides at Disneyland and sit backwards in the chairs to see how they do the special effects
  • You have Dilbert comics/paphanelia displayed anywhere in your work area
  • You have ever saved the power cord from a broken appliance
  • You have more friends on the internet than in real life
  • You have backed up your hard drive
  • You have never bought any new underwear or socks for yourself since you got married.
  • You have used coat hangers and duct tape for something other than hanging coats and taping ducts
  • You know what http:// stands for
  • You look forward to Christmas only to put together the kids' toys
  • You own one or more white short-sleeve dress shirts
  • You see a good design and still have to change it
  • You spent more on your calculator than you did on your wedding ring
  • You still own a slide rule and you know how to use it
  • You think a pocket protector is a fashion accessory
  • You think that when people around you yawn, it's because they didn't get enough sleep
  • You wear black socks with white tennis shoes (or vice versa)
  • You window shop at Radio Shack
  • You're in the backseat of your car, she/he is looking wistfully at the moon, and you're trying to locate a geosynchronous satellite
  • Your checkbook always balances
  • Your laptop computer costs more than your car
  • Your wife/husband hasn't the foggiest idea of what you do at work
  • You've already calculated how much you make per second
  • You've ever tried to repair a $5 radio
  • Your four basic food groups are: 1. Caffeine 2. Fat 3. Sugar 4.Chocolate

6 responses

  1. penguingolfer89 Avatar

    Wowee, that's a lot of stuff. Sounds so nerdy…Must make a image of all these things into a big picture and determine what this engineer looks like.

  2. zhart124 Avatar

    i need to change my major… i can't do it…

  3. zhart124 Avatar

    computer engineering

  4. some girl Avatar

    Haha zhart…nuf said.

  5. penguingolfer89 Avatar

    Why you wanna change major?

  6. zhart124 Avatar

    cuz i don't wanna be like that ^

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