Dear City of San Francisco…
3 min read
I know you’re short on money, but WRONGFULLY towing cars??? Give me a break. The reason that you towed my car? Parking in the same spot for over 72 hours. Consider this an outline of my protest letter. (Some background: I returned from a work-related trip in Boston on Monday, February 9. I had left…
1 min read
Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. ~Jonathan Swift
Because of Christmas Day
1 min read
Hark now hear the angels sing A new king born today And man will live forevermore Because of Christmas day. Happy birthday and I hope everyone’s enjoying their time with family and friends.
A Long, Long, Long Time Ago…
1 min read
…I was born. Looooove it. Sorry for another poor quality video from my phone. Thanks to Steph and Tiffany…sneaky beaky buying it behind my back. Back of card not shown on video, which contains a lot of notes from my former youth group kids.
Borders 40% off in-store coupon
1 min read
Borders 40% off List ANY BOOK! direct link coupon (exp 12/21-limit one book)
Chu Parents Singing
1 min read
Poor quality video footage from Kathy’s phone. Uncle David and Auntie Betty singing at the annual Thanksgiving luncheon. I remember the days they kept me up at night my house singing karaoke with my parents.
Question of the Day
1 min read
photo by jhpope What’s your favorite dish in the Thanksgiving feast? High five to Christine for this question.
A Little Respect…
1 min read
…or if you don’t get any, treat yourself to a Klondike Bar. the little guys get the ice cream “here’s to you, person who gets told how to file things you know how to file”
I Don’t Feel Like Explaining
3 min read
I wrote this 2 days ago, but I think I’m doing a little better now. ———— I haven’t told many people because I don’t want to answer questions. “How are you doing?” –Well, how do you THINK I’m doing??? I know, it’s natural for people to ask and I know they’re only asking because they…
It’s Wednesday, just Wednesday.
2 min read
Today is when Gneen Gneen and I usually went out to lunch because I get to work from home on Wednesdays. Instead, I spent the day at the cemetery preparing for the funeral. Some of the places we would patronize on our Wednesday outings… Round Table-she LOVED Round Table, although sometimes she would complain that…
Strong to the End
2 min read
I spent a large part of the weekend in the hospital and I cut my Chinese class last night because the family had a meeting with the doctor. I thought I would visit again tonight, but that would not be the case. Gneen Gneen (my paternal grandmother) was strong to the end. Her body didn’t…
Lord, is she with you already?
1 min read
Blood transfusion Heart rate to fast Hold tranfusion Stabilize heart rate Things look normal Ahead with tranfusion. Too much pain Need another entry point 3 nurses try None succeed The doctors got it Tranfusion proceed. No air No heartbeat 12 minutes But wait The doctors got it Just a heartbeat. There you are Hands hot…
7 years of teaching…
1 min read
…and I still love my kids.
My Glass Booth
3 min read
I almost titled this post: Barack, the baby killer? But before I get into that, check me out: There’s a little quiz at that helps you find out which presidential candidate most closely aligns with you. I don’t usually post about politics much here, probably because I’m not much of a political person. But…
1 min read
I had become deeply disturbed by many of my classes in which we were no longer able to ask whether or not there is a God. A student who is never challenged to ask such questions may be a student divorced from the possiblity that a God exists, and that in knowing a loving God,…
Telescopic Text
1 min read
I made tea.
Chalkboard Summary
1 min read
Here’s a chalkboard summary of my summer in China: I don’t like to be friendly. I don’t like people. I don’t like friendly people. I don’t like sharing food. I don’t like hugs in hot weather. Thanks a lot for not letting me be comfortable, FRIENDS.
Away for Too Long
1 min read
It’s been almost two months since I left. I’m ready to head back. There are just too many people here. I miss having my own quiet space. Of course, I miss Paul and Rufus. Ok, and everyone else too.
One Night in Beijing
1 min read
Not exactly like that song, but I flew in, had dinner, slept, and will leave for the orphanage in about 2 hours. I haven’t even bust out my camera, yet. What is this world coming to?
Video: Man vs. Cat
1 min read
In the company parking lot. No one came to clean up this cat that’s been dead for too long, so we took matters into our own hands, literally. Apologies for the poor quality…it was taken with my phone.