More geeky than girly.


  • Got this in an email from Sacrod. 1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A SECOND HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Right now? Definitely Lake Tahoe. North Tahoe, to be specific. 2. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? My Saturday night live hat. It’s super comfy! Thanks to Helen and Frances for making me buy it,…

  • 2005 Lotus Elise I have yet to ride in it. Heard it’s pretty tight getting in and out of the car. Elise, such a girlie name for a car. There are a couple, actually a lot, of pictures that his friend took, so feel free to browse through my flickr.

  • Check out this discussion. I only knew of him through the Beigetower community. Tragic. I wonder what would happen to my electronic belongings if I died. Don’t know if anyone would be as diligent as Chagran’s mom to find my online acquaintances and let them know what happened to me.

  • Happy birthday to Hsin. We ate at the newly reopened Powell’s Place. Waited too long for the food, but it was fun messing around with people, people I didn’t really know.

  • Welcome Nicholas Kenzo, born 6 lbs. 7 oz. yesterday. Can’t wait to go down and visit again.

  • I wanted to post before I leave for LA tonight. Hsin and I want the weather on Monday to be dark and stormy, with lightning, rain, and maybe a little bit of hail. Wind gusts up to 50 mph would be nice too. Anyone else concur?

  • Gung hay fat choy. Happy Chinese New Year. It’s very fitting that today is also Fat Tuesday. Now I know why. It’ll also be fat Wednesday and Thursday… Come to think of it, at the rate I’m going, it might be fat 2005. I gotta get back into shape. All the kids get tomorrow off–…

  • Nothing to write about right now, but I feel like I need to do something with this site. What should I do with it? Hmm.

  • Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve written anything. Things over at beigetower were all up in the air so I got myself a birthday present. It’s a splurge but I figured I’ve waited long enough for my own name. I couldn’t come up with anything that I really wanted. Beej.anything is pretty much…

  • Man, people keep messing with my car. I guess that’s what I get for parking on the street. I’m missing one of these. I don’t know if it just fell off or if someone took it. Maybe I should replace them with these. While I’m at it, I should get me some of these as…

  • Ocean’s Twelve

  • Thanks to Johnny for all those 99 cent rental coupons. I watched I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead last night. I just heard the title, but I didn’t know anything about it before watching it. Um…it’s another one of those disturbing movies that leaves you with a yucky feeling. I don’t know why I seem to…

  • Clean phone

    Congratulations to me. My phone now smells like Tide. I heard that when the phone dries, it might still work. Cross your fingers.

  • Happy 32nd

    I was shopping at Costco this morning with my mom. She was in a hurry and wondered why there were so many people. I said “It’s a holiday, you know, Veteran’s Day. Your anniversary is the same day as Veteran’s Day, remember?”

  • I’ll have you know that I just received a notice saying that my polling location for the November 2, 2004 General Election is a garage on my street.

  • They’re tearing apart the house that’s directly across from mine. They had an estate sale a few weeks ago at the same house. I was wondering why all these people were parked on our quiet street at 8 in the morning with coffee in their hands. When I looked up at the house, there was…

  • I was at the preschool today with one of my clients. A little girl nearby started saying how she was sick. Here’s what she warned: I’m sick. Don’t touch my boogers. I’ll try to remember that. Thanks for the heads up.

  • My parents are over in China somewhere climbing the mountains…well, most likely just watching other people climb the mountains. And Chris and Melissa are on a flight to Singapore right now where they’ll be transferring to a plane that’ll take them to Burma. Fun. I seriously gotta get away. But then again, I’ve been saying…

  • red sunset This is what I’ve been seeing all week when I get off work. The camera doesn’t do justice to the true beauty of this visual blessing. Too bad I only caught half of the sun. We’ll see if I get a better picture next time.

  • Man, I can’t believe it. I set my alarm for the afternoon instead of the morning. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. So I ended up missing church today. Oh well. Got some much needed sleep. Got this from my devotions for today: Repentance should be radical and thorough, and the best repentance…