Birthday wishes
1 min read
Happy Birthday, Ant.
Hardware pro…sorta
1 min read
I just took apart my entire computer and stuck it in another case. Impressive, no? I am officially a geek now, but good thing no one knows. Too bad my back hurts like crazy right now from hunching over the machine that was on the floor. I don’t know how people can do that for…
OD on Mandy Moore
1 min read
I watched Chasing Liberty 3 times in the past 72 hours. Is that too much?
It’s Thursday…what to watch now…
1 min read
Hmm…what is there to watch on Thursdays, now that Friends is over. Oh, I forgot CSI is still on. So sad for all the Friends lovers out there. I saw this funny T-shirt. Hahaha….
My uber computer…
1 min read
…is named El Cheapo because it was kinda just thrown together. I got a really cheap case that doesn’t allow very good airflow. The power supply blocks the fan, so the cpu gets really hot because the fan cannot get enough air in there to cool it down. So the power supply now sits on…
Here today, gone tomorrow
2 min read
There’s this Chinese family that lives a couple of houses up from me. Two of the ladies, who look like they might be in their 70’s or 80’s, usually help an older man walk up and down our street. At the pace he walked, I would guess that it took him about 15 minutes to…
99 cent rentals
1 min read
I’ve been renting a lot of movies lately because of all these 99 cent rental coupons. I just watched Kill Bill. Man, there’s a lot of blood spraying around in that movie. I’ve rented 6 movies this week. I have one more coupon for another 3 movies, but I don’t know what else to rent.
Hardware virgin
1 min read
I’ve put together half of my new computer so far (of course, with the help of my very own computer pro…thanks Ant). Actually, I mostly watched because I don’t know a thing about hardware. I don’t think I’ve really seen the inside of a computer closeup before for that matter. Ha. Pretty neat how everything…
1 min read
Oh man, I ate too much tonight. I just cooked, ate, washed some dishes, cooked, ate some more, and finished the dishes. All while watching TV. I love it. I have so much to do, yet I just eat and veg. I think having my own kitchen is going to make me fat.
No end to my fobbiness
1 min read
I just signed up for a VIP card at some Chinese market.
Friday, almost.
1 min read
Too…much…work… I was watching the Tonight show last night and Jennifer Garner from Alias was on. She’s pretty funny. I was thoroughly amused, laughing by myself.
Baseball season has begun…yay.
1 min read
Baseball season has begun…yay.
Too much nai cha again
1 min read
Man, that Hong Kong style milk tea is potent. I need to go to sleep now.
Living out of my car
1 min read
I’ve been eating so many meals in my car because I’m on the road so much for work, that I have a glove compartment full of napkins. I’m so ghetto, why throw away good clean napkins? You never know when you might need one in the future.
Who needs 8.0 megapixels?
1 min read
Check this bad boy out. It uses a 4-color filter so you get better blue-greens, not that I know anything about photography or cameras. But it only costs about a grand. Sony DSC-F828
Venting about fatigue and busyness
1 min read
I just got home today around 10 something. I missed the apprentice today so I’ll have to catch the repeat next Wednesday. I don’t know if I can handle 10 hour days working 1 on 1 with autistic kids. My back hurts from playing around with them. I think I still have fluid in my…
A weekend break
1 min read
I’m eating this cranberry and macadamia nut cereal right now. I’m not too fond of the cranberries. It’s all about the fatty macadamia nuts…mmmm. I’m heading down to L.A. tonight. Congratulations, by the way, to Ronabow. Thanks for this timely event that gives me a small break from my crazy schedule.
New toys to use
1 min read
I finally found some sunglasses I like. I’m wearing them all the time now to get maximum wearage out of them in case they get stolen again. When I got them, they were a little crooked, so I started adjusting them. Turns out the glasses were fine, it’s my face that’s crooked…hehe. I think my…
Best show ever
1 min read
If you have cable, you must watch this show: VH1 Best Week Ever
Sick again…
1 min read
I can’t breathe. Need sleep…