MVP seats and Jack head
1 min read
Check out the view from the awesome seats we had for the game against the Angels. We were in the MVP section. Too bad they didn’t hit any balls our way. We were ready. Oh, and I finally got my Raider head.
Friendster or Datester?
1 min read
After months of people harassing me, aiming me, and emailing me, I finally gave in.
Imagine this
1 min read
The following is an excerpt taken from the book I’m reading. It really made me think about how hard it would be to actually live out what we believe. The government of Chiapas has just passed a law that every resident must keep a stone idol in his or her house. You do not have…
Kids are yucky
1 min read
One of the worst things is getting spit in your face. A close second is getting sneezed in your face. As I was reaching over the kid to buckle the seatbelt around his car seat, he sneezed right onto the left side of my face. Good thing I had my mouth closed.
It’s definitely the equipment
1 min read
I haven’t been out on a course in a long time, but I played 9 today and used this ball. I loved it. I hit a few greens and the ball just stuck. Too bad I messed up all my chances for birdies by 3 putting.
A’s game
1 min read
Let’s go Oakland…clap, clap…clap, clap, clap! It was such a fun game today. Here’s a view from the bleachers: It’s much closer than it looks in the picture. It’s good the A’s won, keeping their lead in the AL West. They kept showing scores from the Seattle/Baltimore game. I can’t believe Seattle came back in…
People Watching
3 min read
People intrigue me. What can I say, I am easily entertained. I spent some time downtown today and was filled with deep thoughts everywhere I went.
Rona and Anna Visit
1 min read
I didn’t get to go anywhere for vacation this year, but Rona and Anna came up to visit, so I had a nice time just relaxing and hanging out. Here’s a picture of them right before dinner at the Cliffhouse. I must say, we ate very well this week because we also ate at the…
Movie Marathon Continues
1 min read
Make that 7 movies in 7 days. Add Old School. Will Ferrell has to be the most shameless guy on earth.
Movie overdose
1 min read
Update from the last post: Make that 6 movies in 6 days. Add Red Dragon (which I’ve seen before), Zoolander (which I fell asleep watching), and Cradle 2 the Grave (aka, Romeo Must Die 2). That’s a lot for someone who rarely watches movies.
DVD movie weekend
1 min read
I think this might be a personal record: 3 dvd movies in 3 days. Blue Crush, Final Destination 2, and Agent Cody Banks (for movie club). None were spectacular. All were entertaining. It was much needed sitting time, for I couldn’t move much. I even sat out during our first game of the season. I’m…
No pain, no gain
1 min read
I just spent about 3 hours at the park today. I got beat on. My shins and forearms are paying for it. While I was there, I wish I had my camera. They were filming a commercial for Acura. The symphony was playing in the bandshell and a helicopter with a camera attachment was hovering…
Done being busy.
1 min read
VBS-done. Retreat-done. Retreat was good. It actually felt like a retreat this time. I had almost no responsibilities (mostly due to the fact that I didn’t know if I could even attend). He knew I needed the rest. I need more patience with people. I nearly strangled the kid I was working with today. Granted,…
My car was parked near
1 min read
My car was parked near an intersection where this cable car had gotten into an accident where it hit a car. There were all these people crowding around watching as if it were the Main Street Electrical parade at Disneyland. I had to get something from my car so I went around just to find…
10 hour days…add in the
1 min read
10 hour days…add in the commute time: 12 hour days, not to mention several more hours a week to plan for this VBS monster. Just as I was posting this rant, I received some encouragement: ronabow: oh Lord, i pray for my sista beej…that You would grant her rest. Lord, please help her plan for…
Kids ask the darndest things.
1 min read
Kids ask the darndest things. A kid asked me if I was a girl or boy. I asked her what she thought I was. She said boy, because I have short hair. Note 1: my hair runs well past my shoulders. Note 2: the kid who asked me isn’t even a kid I work with.…
Congratulations to Chris and Melissa…finally!
1 min read
Congratulations to Chris and Melissa…finally!
Weekend of Buffalo
1 min read
On Saturday, I biked through Golden Gate Park and stopped by for the first time to see the American Bison there. Then on Sunday, I had dinner at Fuddrucker’s where I was feeling extremely brave and tried the Buffalo burger for the first time. It smelled funky, but it tasted like a regular burger since…
Something about the ocean
1 min read
I don’t feel like writing about anything, but this song by Ten Shekel Shirt came to mind as I watched a most beautiful sunset this evening over the Pacific. Something about the ocean makes me rise up and praise. Something about the heavens makes me stand in awe again. Something about the sunrise reminds me…
Personal loss
1 min read
How do you answer when people say, “I’m sorry for your loss”? Father’s Day was bittersweet today. I have my father, but my mother lost hers.