More geeky than girly.


  • Mannequins

    I was shopping the other day at the Old Navy downtown. There was something eerie about the mannequins there, but I couldn’t figure out what it was at first. Evey time I turned around, I saw them looking back at me. Then I figured out what it was. These mannequins had heads. They had faces,…

  • Abercrombie and Fitch pulled their racy Christmas catalog. Sex sells, but too much sex doesn’t sell…at least not yet. Good thing, because in this day and age, everything seems to be “ok” as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody. What is considered “ok” to Christians now? Isn’t sin, even just a little bit, still sin?…

  • News in China

    Madame Chiang Kai-shek Died. I visited her family’s house in Shanghai as a destination on the tour path set up by the government. Check out this article from a Chinese site. It says, “Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) and Australian Prime Minister John Winston Howard meet press after their talks in Canberra…” Is the ‘R’…

  • See any yellow apartment buildings? That would be Cindy’s house. I was talking to her while I took the pictures. I asked her if she could see my flash go off. She lives about 10 minutes away…hehe. I had dinner there tonight, so I was playing around with the camera.

  • Equinox what?

    Me: So, have you been riding lately? Arnold: Not since the equinox changed. Me: Oh. Arnold: Yeah. Me: What on earth did you just say? Arnold: You know, the equinox, you know what it means, right? Me: You mean that it gets dark earlier now, right? You’re such a nerd for talking like that. And…

  • Friday Five

    Yay, I like today’s Friday Five. 1. What vehicle do you drive? 2001 VW Jetta Wolfsburg Edition. 2. How long have you had it? Since 2001. 3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle? I like the fact that the turbo kicks in at 1950 rpm, producing the ability to “peel-out if you’re starting…

  • P. Diddy is running in a marathon??? What on earth is going on? I wonder if he’s training. I know my friends had to train pretty hard the few months prior to the race. Weird.

  • Under-Ease anti-flatulence underwear–Wear them for the ones you love. Necessity is the mother of invention. Buck Weimer, 62, went to work after he had a long talk with necessity and ended up patenting his invention the Under-ease underwear. It has replaceable charcoal filter that is designed to remove butt gas before someone walks into it,…

  • Yahoo has begun blocking Cerulean Studios’ Trillian software from communicating with its own instant messaging software as part of its plan to limit third parties from piggybacking on its service. As of now, the Trillian patch does not resolve Yahoo issues. EDIT: They do have a patch for Trillian Pro v2.0.

  • Friday Five

    Ooh, I remembered to do the Friday Five: 1. Who is your favorite singer/musician? Why? I’m going to date myself on this one. One of my favorite singers is Janet Jackson. She can do everything: sing, dance, and act. 2. What one singer/musician can you not stand? Why? I don’t really like John Mayer’s voice.…

  • Random News

    SF has slipped from the nation’s second most desirable place to live to third. But we beat Vegas. Universal cuts CD prices, effective October 1. I wonder if this will make people stop downloading illegally.

  • Welcome, PHP

    Ok, so I’ve made some changes to this site recently (anyone notice?). I’ve also started using php files so hopefully that will allow me to do more stuff. This is my first time playing around with php so keep your eyes peeled! Hopefully I won’t jack things up too much.

  • People intrigue me. What can I say, I am easily entertained. I spent some time downtown today and was filled with deep thoughts everywhere I went.

  • Make that 7 movies in 7 days. Add Old School. Will Ferrell has to be the most shameless guy on earth.

  • VBS-done. Retreat-done. Retreat was good. It actually felt like a retreat this time. I had almost no responsibilities (mostly due to the fact that I didn’t know if I could even attend). He knew I needed the rest. I need more patience with people. I nearly strangled the kid I was working with today. Granted,…

  • Food

    REUNIONIZE!!! Is that a real word? But that’s what I did this past weekend. Woohoo! Man, I feel like I’ve been eating out a lot. Well, I guess I have been since I haven’t been home in a few days. Over the weekend, I realized how much I love eating. Mmm… Look what I’ve found:…

  • Matrix rave

    Lock: Not everyone believes in what you believe. Morpheus: My beliefs do not require them to. I love it! Go watch it. Why do most opportunities to go out occur during the times when I should be studying most? I’m supposed to watch X2 tomorrow night also, but I might have to skip out on…

  • As I was walking through Chinatown this morning (meaning Sunday morning) on my way up to church, I overheard two elderly women talking to each other. I must mention that it was out of the ordinary to be able to zero in on a single conversation in this part of the city, but it was…

  • My day

    My day started when I woke up sweating and breathing really hard, almost to the point of tears because I was so sad. I had the worst nightmare that I could ever remember. I usually don’t have dreams, or rather, I don’t remember what I dream about, but this felt so real. I can’t even…

  • I was driving one of my high schoolers home on Sunday. He’s new in my class so I got to know him a little better. He came over from HK about a year and a half ago. He seems to be quite sharp. We were talking about a lot of different things when all of…