Quotes from my free calendar
1 min read
I got this calendar full of quotations in different languages from my aunt. Here were some quotes for March and April that I thought were cool (well, actually, I can’t read the others): Win with humility, lose with grace (Japanese proverb) Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you will…
Cool webdesign
1 min read Pretty neat. I love how those entries are done.
One reason why I STILL work with the youth
5 min read
I’ve been pretty pooped lately with everything that’s been going on. I’ve taken on the role of sunday school teacher in addition to being a fellowship leader. I was a bit stressed about it, seeing how I have to plan twice as much as before, and that I’m the one (and my co-leader Jerry) that’s…
Shang Tsung turned photographer?
1 min read
Congratulations again to Miranda and Myron. I was really nervous because I had to give a toast. I wanted to say only 3 words (Happy life, cheers!) but I figured I had to say a bit more than that. I’ve barely recovered from this action-packed weekend. I had fun though. Hmm, was it a coincidence…
Star Wars Title revealed
1 min read
Just a small detail that might be pretty cool to know: The Episode III Title has been revealed…
My uber computer…
1 min read
…is named El Cheapo because it was kinda just thrown together. I got a really cheap case that doesn’t allow very good airflow. The power supply blocks the fan, so the cpu gets really hot because the fan cannot get enough air in there to cool it down. So the power supply now sits on…
Friday Five
1 min read
Yay, I like today’s Friday Five. 1. What vehicle do you drive? 2001 VW Jetta Wolfsburg Edition. 2. How long have you had it? Since 2001. 3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle? I like the fact that the turbo kicks in at 1950 rpm, producing the ability to “peel-out if you’re starting…
Brain Teaser: 3 light switches
1 min read
I’m borrowing a camera and wanted to play around with it. Everyone probably knows the answer to this old brain teaser already, but I thought this was pretty cool. If you’ve ever been to my house, you know where this light switch panel is found, so you probably have a guess as to how I…
Cool photo calendar
1 min read
This calendar looks really neat. Too bad I don’t even have a real camera. But then again, I probably wouldn’t know what to do with it. Speaking of calendars, I just got an A’s calendar with photos of individual players.
No pain, no gain
1 min read
I just spent about 3 hours at the park today. I got beat on. My shins and forearms are paying for it. While I was there, I wish I had my camera. They were filming a commercial for Acura. The symphony was playing in the bandshell and a helicopter with a camera attachment was hovering…
Web stuff for a living?
1 min read
D: procrastinating doing some work on somebody’s website BEEJ: it must be different when you’re not working on your own D: yeah, it’s different when it’s a job. D: i’m getting to do a little PHP scripting though, so that’s mildly interesting. BEEJ: that’s cool BEEJ: you write everything yourself? D: i probably *should* have…
My day
3 min read
My day started when I woke up sweating and breathing really hard, almost to the point of tears because I was so sad. I had the worst nightmare that I could ever remember. I usually don’t have dreams, or rather, I don’t remember what I dream about, but this felt so real. I can’t even…
Jesus questions
1 min read
I was in a real interesting sharing group yesterday during fellowship. We talked about things that I’ve never really thought about. What was Jesus’ favorite food? Was Jesus tall? Was he muscular? Was he fit? He walked around a lot. He was probably really dirty. Did he really have a beard? He must have had…
Our church softball team record
2 min read
Our church softball team record this season is 2-1 right now. Not too shabby. We get better and better every time we play, probably because the only time we practice is when we’re playing! It’s neat to play in a league where you play against other churches. Sports ministries are pretty cool because it allows…
Web surfers in China are
2 min read
Web surfers in China are blocked from using Google. This is just another example of how strict and controlling the Chinese government is. I am reminded of how the people over there do not have as much freedom as we have here. The other night, I was just speaking to a friend, who went on…
My ears are sunburnt from
2 min read
My ears are sunburnt from golfing today. I forgot to put sunblock on them. And I think I missed a few spots too, cuz I’m red in certain places. I still need a lot of practice cuz I was hackin away today. I used a glove for the first time on a course today. Good…
Ok, I just helped my
1 min read
Ok, I just helped my friend Arnold set up his blog. We’ll see what he does with it. Check out some Star Wars origami. I wonder if they really made these things. They look pretty cool though! Well, I finally saw Jet Li’s The One. I had actually gotten a bootleg copy even before the…
I had such a great
2 min read
I had such a great time at Yosemite. I loved hiking and being able to sit and enjoy His creation. Now I know why Ansel Adams fell in love with California scenery. I’m glad I saw his exhibition at the SFMOMA. If you have time, read his biography at the site, it’s pretty interesting. I…
Ok, I think I’m done.
1 min read
Ok, I think I’m done. I should be ecstatic, but I’m not. The continued bleh-ness lives on. And planning for this yosemite trip during finals week is no help. One cool thing today was that Anthony came home. Woohoo! He came back for dinner and then left afterwards. It was cool, cuz I won’t be…
Sunburnt and Sore The past
3 min read
Sunburnt and Sore The past couple of days have been really fun. Got back from tahoe on saturday. This was the first time I had gone boarding 2 days in row. It was pretty tiring but it was oh so fun!!! It was so warm up there people were skiing half naked! Being the wild…