Jet Li
Asia News (January Edition)
1 min read
I haven’t written up a post about Asia in a while, so here’s a mishmash of stuff. Nothing photography-related here. A movie that’s dear to my heart (can you guess why?): Ip Man 1 now available on Hulu. I have both Ip Man 1 and 2 if anyone wants to borrow it. Don’t forget about…
Jet Li’s English
1 min read
I cringe every time Jet Li opens his mouth in these American films. I’m embarrassed for him, but at the same time, it makes me chuckle. His first line in The Forbidden Kingdom after a long fight scene: No, Fool! Why do I write this now? Because I’m watching Kiss of the Dragon on TV…
Sneak Peek: The Forbidden Kingdom
2 min read
Just got back from a sneak preview of The Forbidden Kingdom that opens this Friday, along with Expelled. Don’t worry, no spoilers here because I don’t really like to write. I’m just embarrassed every time Jet Li speaks in English. I think filmmakers make the effort to minimize his lines. But boy, he does move…
The Forbidden Kingdom Trailer
1 min read
I really want to watch this. I’m so glad Jet Li is staying away from his wannabe gangsta movies.
I miss movies
2 min read
I haven’t watched a movie in a long time. But wow, after watching Ong-bak, I’m definitely inspired to go back to the park. Tony Jaa can probably kick Jet Li’s butt anytime. No worries, I still got love for Jet Li’s “pretty style and acrobatics,” as Tony Jaa mentions in a pretty cool interview. Yeah,…
I now know why Mr.
2 min read
I now know why Mr. Miyagi used the wax on, wax off method. I guess I really never knew why he couldn’t just wax on the whole thing, then wax off afterwards. My arms are really sore. But if your arms aren’t sore, try playing a new version of Breakout. I’ve only had my little…
Ok, I just helped my
1 min read
Ok, I just helped my friend Arnold set up his blog. We’ll see what he does with it. Check out some Star Wars origami. I wonder if they really made these things. They look pretty cool though! Well, I finally saw Jet Li’s The One. I had actually gotten a bootleg copy even before the…
I had such a great
2 min read
I had such a great time at Yosemite. I loved hiking and being able to sit and enjoy His creation. Now I know why Ansel Adams fell in love with California scenery. I’m glad I saw his exhibition at the SFMOMA. If you have time, read his biography at the site, it’s pretty interesting. I…
Antitrust Just finished watching Antitrust.
1 min read
Antitrust Just finished watching Antitrust. Not bad. We were predicting and criticizing different aspects of the movie. Funny how I see things through such a critical eye now. But I suggest for those techies who are out of work now, don’t watch this movie. It’s kinda depressing in the beginning seeing how good it is…
Well, there’s a picture now,
1 min read
Well, there’s a picture now, but it doesn’t quite look right. (Although I do like the fact that it’s pretty big). Don’t worry, I’m not obsessed with Jet Li, I was just using it as a test. Fixing it shall have to wait until another time. I should go now, too much fun for one…