More geeky than girly.


  • For about the zillionth year in a row, San Francisco is voted #1 U.S. City to visit by Conde Nast Traveler Readers.

  • What is this world coming to? Nas is performing in Shanghai and Beijing this month!

  • What: Survivor: China premiere When: Thursday, September 20, 8pm ET/PT Where: CBS Why: The show claims to be the first full American television series to be filmed entirely within China. I’ve read that many aspects of Chinese culture and history have been included in this season. Each contestant was supposed to receive a copy of…

  • Been playing around with another photoblog plugin for WordPress.  Still a lot of things I need to figure out, so we’ll see if I stick with this one. So this site is once again what they call fluid.  All the columns should be pretty flexible now, and adjusts to the size of the browser window,…

  • I’ve just set up a new section I’ll just call "photography" for now. Not much there right now. I…

  • Highspeed Photography of Punctured Water Balloons

  • Just got back from the game, a truly exciting one too, for that matter. My first one this se…

  • Reinforcers

    Working with autistic kids, we use many types of reinforcers, or rewards, for good behavior. I’v…

  • Scared girls

    [20:11] me: [20:12] me: ok, you’re never gonna get anywork done …

  • Sports Talk

    Woohoo! My A’s beat the Yankees!!! Annika gets her Grand Slam. Someone brought up how we should get uniforms for our softball team. I was asking people what numbers they would get. I had a hard time coming up with a number for my jersey. Then I asked them if they had a racehorse, what…

  • It’s such a nice day outside! I should go for a ride, but I’m feeling a little lazy these days. Wait, I feel like this ALL the time! Maybe I should do some shopping. Ok, maybe just window shopping. Hey, it’s hip hop weekend on MTV. I was watching the diary of NAS. Pretty interesting.…