1 min read
The surprise Best Picture Oscar winner last year. And not a bad movie at that. I am by no means a movie critic, nor do I watch movies all that often for that matter. But this movie was super intense, maybe because racial issues really get me riled up. Is it because I am part…
Butt missiles
2 min read
WARNING!!! The following contains atrocious verbage: obviously close friend (maybe too close): last fri i went to peet’s with my friend after work. i didn’t really have a big lunch so my stomach was kind of empty. i ordered a medium coffee… ohhh boy…. we sat and chatted for about 45 minutes and then the…
X marks your experiences
3 min read
Here goes another (I wonder how much of this people know about me): Place an X by all the things you’ve done, or remove the X from the ones you have not, then answer the following questions and post it on your blog.” My comments in []. ( x )Smoked a cigarette [that’s according to…
Lost: a dream?
1 min read
Can someone tell me what on earth is going on? Last night’s episode was exactly what some people predicted about the show. I hate when the episode ends. The show is like a drug — it just leaves you wanting more.
Underground Atomic Bomb Detonation
1 min read
Why detonate underground when you can do it above ground? I want to see mutants, dangit! Here’s another underground detonation video at google . That reminds me, I need to get an emergency kit together. I wonder how many of my friends and loved ones are prepared. I was talking to Jerry today and I…
Blue Like Jazz: just motions
2 min read
I had finished reading Blue Like Jazz a while ago. I pretty much underlined the whole book. Well, ok, not exactly, but there were a lot of things that I thought were interesting. When I was reading it at WCC last month, a lady was curious about what the book was about. When I explained…
The Truth About Barry Bonds
1 min read
If Barry Bonds had been the most loved man in baseball, the truth about his steroid use would be an enourmous and damaging scandal. Of course, most people don’t like him too much, so it will be a lot worse.
What would Jesus Drive?
1 min read
Most people assume WWJD stands for "What would Jesus do?" But the initials really stand for "What would Jesus drive?" One theory is that Jesus would tool around in an old Plymouth because the Bible says, "God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury."
New company policy
2 min read
Dress Code It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise. If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so…
WCC debriefing
2 min read
I went to WCC for the very first time evar. It was great to see people I haven’t seen in many many years. I was especially encouraged by the fact that they were still serving after all these years, even if they did go to the same jacked up “Christian” school that I went to…
Four things
2 min read
You know when you played tag and you wanted to be it….oh oh, tag me, tag me! You end up just reaching out asking for the tag? I’m it! Four jobs I’ve had in my life Ice Cream Scooper Teacher Restaurant Manager Therapist Four movies I can watch over and over (hmm, I own the…
Upcoming Travel Schedule
3 min read
Update (2/16/06): My friend in BJ said he was able to get on to the AOL site, so it seems that they’re AOK! For my LA trip last week, I rented a car from SFO. While picking up the rental car, the guy directed me to this bright red car (economy size, of course). He…
In-N-Out 100×100
1 min read
In case there was ever any doubt that In-N-Out actually honors crazy people’s requests. Does it look like there’s 100 patties in there?
Funny computer pictures
1 min read
How not to print your Word documents… How can people deny the concept of intelligent design?
American vs. Chinese office
1 min read
Do you know the difference between the Chinese office and an American office? Chinese people don’…
Full-time ministry
2 min read
First day at the new job. First thing that went on was the Monday morning prayer meeting. It’s gr…
girlfriendfromhell.wmv (video/x-ms-wmv Object)
1 min read
I laughed out loud for this one. girlfriendfromhell.wmv
AZN tv, advertising, and links
1 min read
I actually forgot to add this earlier this week. I’d like to thank all those who personally resp…
Geek salad
2 min read
I worked a half day today, which was great cuz I got to relax. The other half was spent catching…
5 min read
Saturday night was TAD: Teacher’s Appreciation Day. We were tricked by the pastor’s wife (yes, th…