Photography Resources
AdoramaPix Sale
1 min read
I guess it’s National Photo Month. Get 8×10 prints for $1.00 and metallic prints for $1.50. Good through June 1. Use my referral code 4575328 and get an additional 10 4×6 prints FREE on top of the 25 free prints you get just for signing up.
Henri Cartier-Bresson on Photography
2 min read
Henri Cartier-Bresson (August 22, 1908 – August 3, 2004) was a French photographer considered to be the father of modern photojournalism. He was an early adopter of 35 mm format, and the master of candid photography. He helped develop the “street photography” or “real life reportage” style that has influenced generations of photographers who followed.…
Photographer Reflects on Revolutions
1 min read
Photographer John Moore is no stranger to combat. As a member of an Associated Press team in 2005, he shared a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography for coverage of the war in Iraq and he’s done extended stints in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, South Africa, Mexico and Nicaragua and elsewhere in the last 20 years.…
The Well: Covering Capitol Hill
1 min read
A rare glimpse into the way press photographers cover the politicians of the United States Congress and the problems they face. Leading political photographers in Washington talk about the perills of the 24/7 news cycle and the increasingly sparce access.
Free subscription to Digital Photo magazine
1 min read
Free subscription to Digital Photo magazine: Link. I get this myself, although I don’t spend the time reading it. You might be signing up for other unwanted mail too, so sign up at your own risk!
Obama meets with tech business leaders
1 min read
President Obama was here in the Bay Area having dinner last night with some important people. It must be pretty awesome to be there taking these pictures. Check out a Q&A session with Pete Souza, official White House photographer. Anyone recognize the people at dinner with the President?
Photo-biking in China
2 min read
I’ve spent the past 5 summers with students in China. I don’t shoot as much as I usually do because I feel like I’m “at work” and need to make sure the project is going well and that everyone’s doing well. That’s probably why I’ve posted very few pictures from China here on the blog.…
Camera Mode Dial Cuff Links
1 min read
How geeky fun are these?!?! Bonus: Look, you can have spicy noodles delivered to your house every month!
Timbuk2 Love and Lost
2 min read
I’ve had my Timbuk2 bag for well over 10 years now. I called it my “superman bag” because it was red and blue with the yellow logo. That bag has traveled with me all over the U.S. and Asia. It’s well-made, but some of the materials were dying, so I figured I’d drop it off…
Snøhetta Works
1 min read
This is a book that my architecture/design friend Jaime gave me last month. She likes architecture and she knows that I like pictures, so she figured she would give me a book of photographs of architecture by a Norwegian company called Snøhetta. As she was describing the firm and all their designs, and I asked…
Video: Around the World in 80 Seconds
1 min read
Pretty cool. I immediately recognized those shots here in SF. If he hadn’t turned left, you would have seen this intersection.
Photographers Prepare for a Moment in May
1 min read
Photographers around the world will be taking a picture of one moment in time on May 2 at 15:00 UTC. That’s 8:00 a.m San Francisco time. Oh boy…
For Old Times’ Sake
1 min read
I haven’t posted up many any black and white photos, at least none that I can remember. I see a lot of street photographers using b/w–guess it gives images that “timeless” feel, as if the images could have been taken in any era. The image above was taken last week, March 21, 2010. Mini MINI…
Tony’s List
2 min read
I met Tony (along with a bunch of other photographers) in North Beach. He asked how long I had been shooting. I actually never know how to answer this question, but I said I’ve been taking pictures for a long time, but took a more meaningful approach only this past academic year. He asked if…
A Pictoral Guide to Avoiding Camera Loss
1 min read
This guy is a GENIUS! I wish I were that creative. Link.
Patriot or Super Hero?
1 min read
A little out of focus. I gotta work on these dog shots.
Photo in Curbed SF
1 min read
Look, my photo was used at Curbed SF. Cool!
A Bit Late: Happy New Year
1 min read
I’ve been to St. Louis twice now, and every time, it just feels so quiet to me. Ok, besides the 16,000+ college students who were at the conference with me or the occasional crowd coming out of a Blues game, there just wasn’t much going on downtown. Here’s a picture taken right before New Year’s…
Star Light, Star Bright
1 min read
No time like the winter to give light painting a try. My first time light painting, shot my friends’ kids: Toby, Brandon, and Caleb. Just because we were bored. Edit: Forgot to mention that Mackenzie was our light switch coordinator (for before and after the shots). =)
3 of a Kind
1 min read
From a Halloween photowalk this weekend. My first official photowalk EVER! Thanks to Caliber. See everyone else’s photos at Flickr.