A Chat with a Friend in China
1 min read
me: tell everyone i said hi, if they remember me her: no problem. they remember you!!! me: yay! i’m the chinese girl who can’t speak chinese her: haha, no, you are the nicest girl who never sings
Sucky Sunday
1 min read
<begin rant> Yesterday sucked. (Mind you, I don’t typically use the word “sucked.”) </end rant>
Fry Day
1 min read
We bought a turkey fryer for Chris, my brother-in-law, for Christmas. We thought it was a good gift for him because he used to bring the turkey over to a friend’s house in El Cerrito, use their fryer, and then bring it back to his house 45 minutes away in San Ramon for dinner. I…
High School Potluck?
1 min read
We had a mini-mid-Christmas-break-par-tay at my house tonight with my high schoolers. The main course was provided, but we asked them to bring drinks and snacks. Here’s what some of them bought: 2 packs of microwave popcorn chips soda jello (2 boxes that came in those plastic take-out containers from Koi Palace) brownies Baileys truffles…
What means birthday?
2 min read
birthday n. 1. The day of one’s birth. 2. The anniversary of one’s birth. Wikipedia mentions several things about birthdays. The celebration of birthdays is not universal. I remember working with family who were Jehovah’s Witnesses and they didn’t celebrate birthdays. Some adults loathe celebrating it as it reminds them that they are getting progressively…
To All My Sisters
1 min read
Conversation I overheard last week at the McDonald’s at Stonestown Mall: Boy 1: What do you think about this hot weather? Boy 2: It’s ok, it’s been like this all week. Boy 1: Well, to tell you the truth, I kinda like it. Boy 2: Yeah, me too. It gives the girls at school a…
Shooting at Golden Gate Park
1 min read
After a guy was recently stabbed to death at 47th Avenue and Fulton Street, a homeless man was shot yesterday in Golden Gate Park. According to SFgate, he took a hit at 25th Avenue and Martin Luther King Drive, a little after 11 p.m. No arrests have been made. Good thing I leave the park…
Burning Up in SoCal
1 min read
Charissa: socal is burning up like crazy me: really? Charissa: yeah me: yeah, it’s been pretty hot here too Charissa: nooo Charissa: fires That’s what I get for not watching the news on Sundays. Pray for all the SoCal folks please. +- On a different note– check out Crackbook: a hilarious spoof on the popular…
Load up the family moped
1 min read
Phuket, Thailand. Thailand is still definitely a scooter culture. Look at the row of them in the background. Oh, and I love how the man is the only one with a helmet. What’s up with that?
Orchid Farm
1 min read
Chiang Mai, Thailand
2007 Excelsior Festival
1 min read
If you have time, volunteer and help the coordinator.
Blood Transfusion
1 min read
Update (4:50pm): She’s out now and we’re all going to have dinner. Thanks to everyone out there who donates blood. My grandma is getting a transfusion tomorrow at 8am PDT. She’ll be 97 at the end of this year.
Sawasdee Kaa
1 min read
Here’s Ronald McDonald doing the Thai greeting gesture. “Sawasdee Kaa” (pronounced Sah wah dee kah) is the verbal greeting used by females.
Elephant Trek
1 min read
Chiang Mai, Thailand +- Thailand was fun. Too bad everyone tried to speak to me in Thai because they thought I was Thai. So sad. No wonder everyone in China looks at me funny, probably because I don’t look Chinese. Anyways, I learned several phrases in Thai–one of which is “mai chai khon Thai”, meaning…
1 min read
When the teams got together, they couldn’t stop playing Mafia. Since I can’t access wikipedia from here, you’ll have to look it up yourself if you haven’t heard of that game. Here is a picture of everyone squeezed into one of our rooms playing Mafia. You can tell it’s pretty late at night because that…
New School, New Friends
1 min read
It’s been pretty hot here. Our new friends seem…well…pretty friendly. Looking forward to seeing more of the area. Will post up more pictures soon at Flickr.
1 min read
Check out the celebration–the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China from Britain. Too bad I was only able to watch it on TV. Must have been madness out there. Happy birthday to my dad too.
Hot and Humid
1 min read
It hasn’t been that bad since I got here. I love those red eye flights where I sleep the whole way through. Sure makes the flights go faster. Too bad my light wouldn’t turn off, but the flight attendant was nice enough to put a plastic covering over the entire light panel. I should have…
Going to China
1 min read
Mackenzie: Can I go to China too? Me: You have to go with your mommy and daddy. Do you WANT to go to China? Mackenzie: No, I want to stay in the car. Ah, I miss working with kids.
Stop Getting Junk Snail Mail
1 min read
I really hate going through my mail because I feel like I’m wasting a lot of time going through credit card offers and other unsolicited mail. My shredder is dying because I use it so much. You can call a single number to get your name and address removed for 5 years from the mailing…