More geeky than girly.


  • Congratulations to Penguingolfer who graduated yesterday. I was at the ceremony when I saw this kid wearing a t-shirt that said “OC: Overly Caucasian, do not place on dance floor.” I just about cracked up in front of him. Good thing I had a little something called “self-control.” They might as well make another t-shirt…

  • Pooh quote

    I love cheesy quotations. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you. ~Winnie the Pooh

  • In Awe of Him

    I have nothing to write. All I know is the following: Our God is an awesome God He reigns from heaven above with WISDOM, POWER, and LOVE. Our God is an awesome God. Amen?

  • Limited Time

    What do you do when you know you only have a few weeks or months left to live? How do you share Christ with someone when you don’t speak their language?

  • Poem

    Taken from a creative soul who put this on the internet: You illness of the past century Coming and destroying family You are strong battling From the inside Slyly you are coming Without asking you are entering In between a loving family You are not asking, you are taking But there is something you will…

  • Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.. I pretty much used up the allotted test time of 3 hours and wrote over 9 pages. Don’t ask me how it went because right now, I don’t know and I don’t care. And I just spent 4 hours with a…

  • A terrific study break idea: a long hot shower. Too bad I’m ready for bed now! No…must…stay…awake…

  • I need a massage. I woke up early this morning with a huge knot in my shoulders. It feels like I’ve been backpacking for days. I don’t know if it’s from stress or from restraining a kid yesterday. (And I thought I had left that behind with my old job. Guess not.)

  • Matrix rave

    Lock: Not everyone believes in what you believe. Morpheus: My beliefs do not require them to. I love it! Go watch it. Why do most opportunities to go out occur during the times when I should be studying most? I’m supposed to watch X2 tomorrow night also, but I might have to skip out on…

  • I can’t wait for this test to be over and done with. Until then, I am placing myself in exile.

  • As I was walking through Chinatown this morning (meaning Sunday morning) on my way up to church, I overheard two elderly women talking to each other. I must mention that it was out of the ordinary to be able to zero in on a single conversation in this part of the city, but it was…

  • D: procrastinating doing some work on somebody’s website BEEJ: it must be different when you’re not working on your own D: yeah, it’s different when it’s a job. D: i’m getting to do a little PHP scripting though, so that’s mildly interesting. BEEJ: that’s cool BEEJ: you write everything yourself? D: i probably *should* have…

  • My day

    My day started when I woke up sweating and breathing really hard, almost to the point of tears because I was so sad. I had the worst nightmare that I could ever remember. I usually don’t have dreams, or rather, I don’t remember what I dream about, but this felt so real. I can’t even…

  • My new favorite TV channel: The Travel Channel. I just watched a show called “Ultimate Hotel Services.” I want to work for them and host a show or two. My new deck came in yesterday. It’s not fully installed just yet (because I’m a girl and I don’t know how to install car stereos), but…

  • XXX

    That snowboarding scene in XXX is truly inspiring….and truly computer generated because no one can slide faster than an avalanche.

  • “The Promise” Plus One I know that lately Things have been so hard And looking out Through your broken heart All you can see is dark And lonely days ahead But remember Jesus said [c h o r u s] He knows every star in the sky Every single tear that you cry His love…

  • I just found out that I get about 20 more channels of cable TV. And the best part about it, is that I get THE GOLF CHANNEL!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!! And since Lent is over tomorrow, my eyes will be glued to it 24/7. I can’t wait.

  • Got 4 hours of sleep. Watched the sunrise. Went sliding down the mountain in awesome mid-season-like conditions. Tried the half-pipe for the first time in my life, almost killed myself. Face all red and dry from the sun and wind. Ate an ostrich burger for dinner. Took an extra-long, extra-hot shower. –A most excellent Good…

  • Woohoo! I found my USB cable for my camera. So here are the pictures from The Call SF. Invasion of 3com: People waving flags during worship: Man lifting hands during worship: People praying in a group: It was neat to see all this in the midst of a stadium that’s normally filled with rowdy sports…

  • “Pooh?” “Yes, Piglet?” “Oh, nothing,” Piglet answered. “I just wanted to be sure of you.”