1 min read
Anyone try yet? You can chat and DJ for each other in a room. I’ve been on and it seems pretty interesting. I believe it’s still in beta right now and open only to those who have Facebook friends who are already on. So all my facebook friends can log on now. Let me…
The Olympic Spirit in SF
2 min read
Boy was the spirit of the Olympics ever-present at the Torch run protests today! Everyone showed strong team participation and competitiveness. Check it: Team China: Team Tibet: Team Burma: Team Darfur (represented by the green balloons): Team Vietnamese Fisherman: Team Friendlies (yes, that’s what the Mascots are called): Team Lion Dancing: Team Fudan (represented by…
A Chat with a Friend in China
1 min read
me: tell everyone i said hi, if they remember me her: no problem. they remember you!!! me: yay! i’m the chinese girl who can’t speak chinese her: haha, no, you are the nicest girl who never sings
Butt missiles
2 min read
WARNING!!! The following contains atrocious verbage: obviously close friend (maybe too close): last fri i went to peet’s with my friend after work. i didn’t really have a big lunch so my stomach was kind of empty. i ordered a medium coffee… ohhh boy…. we sat and chatted for about 45 minutes and then the…
Upcoming Travel Schedule
3 min read
Update (2/16/06): My friend in BJ said he was able to get on to the AOL site, so it seems that they’re AOK! For my LA trip last week, I rented a car from SFO. While picking up the rental car, the guy directed me to this bright red car (economy size, of course). He…
Internet connections
1 min read
When I got home from work today, it was non-stop chatting. I finally had the pleasure of meeting…
The forum is back…again.
1 min read
I was just playing around with some stuff this weekend. There were 2 things I wanted to get back …
Apprentice and computer news, Peet’s, and Britney
1 min read
‘Apprentice’ Chris arrested I knew it was going to happen sooner or later with that guy’s temper. He should have been voted off a long time ago. Computer Issues I’ve been having problems browsing during the evenings. I’d be able to get online to chat, but couldn’t access any websites. Both Jerry and Morgan suggested…
IRC channel
5 min read
Check it: #coffeehouse on is now in effect. Why #coffeehouse? #coffeehouse exists so that readers and friends of The Torn Identity have a place to hang out and chat with each other in real time. I used IRC way back when the “internet” first started, back before all the IM came out. Feel free…
Openness during chat…
1 min read
craig: chat chat chat beej: chat blah chat craig: blah chat chat beej: chat chat chat craig: brb…gotta go poo TMI!!! Why do people feel they need to tell me exactly what they’re doing??? Thanks a lot Craigers…
Miranda IM
1 min read
I’m trying out a new chat client called Miranda Instant Messenger. The program is supposed to be smaller and faster than Trillian. You can also customize it by installing your own plugins. Both of these multi-network chat clients are still working on their patches or plugins for Yahoo (unless you’re a paid Trillian user). It’s…
late night chats on aim
1 min read
late night chats on aim Topic: Female leaders, preachers, teachers, pastors… Biblical or not? Why does this topic keep coming up? Once again, thanks, Rona, for making me look deeper into the Word.
I did as much work
2 min read
I did as much work today as there is the sunlight in Alaska during the winter. Let’s just say it was too cold to move. Yesterday, I woke up early to meet this girl from my class. We were supposed to work on our presentation but she decided she needed to run errands instead of…