More geeky than girly.


  • The Odds

    What are the odds?

  • Some funny comments from flight attendants.

  • I can’t breathe right now. My nose is fully plugged up, so my mouth is open to allow air into my …

  • Elevator Disco Hmm, we should try this sometime.

  • When Wendy wrote about being attacked by a bird, I couldn’t help but imagine how funny it would h…

  • An extremely useful and funny link: How to give telemarketers a taste of their own medicine. Or y…

  • Funnyfox



    AIRTOONS So funny…

  • Golf British Open to Allow Female Competitors. Star Wars Buy your own full-size replica …

  • Scared girls

    [20:11] me: [20:12] me: ok, you’re never gonna get anywork done …

  • Funny signs

  • The Credit Card Prank II See what you can get away with signing on your credit card slips. So…

  • Sideblog

    Yay, I finally got a sideblog goin on here called “mini-golf.” Those are just links to websites that I’ve come across that don’t warrant their own full post on the front page. They look similar to Matt’s asides and asides for WordPress 1.5. But instead of separating out a special category, the mini-post plugin allows…

  • I’ve been looking at different CMS’s for websites. No, I’m not moving from wordpress. It’s good enough for what I want to do. I’ve looked at some sites like, which also points to the cmsmatrix. I’ve been testing out mambo and it seems to pretty good. It’s pretty big and sometimes confusing to use…

  • First NFL game

    Just got back from watching the Niners. It was pretty fun. We sat in a handicap seating area so we had lots of leg room. I gotta say that it was pretty low energy compared to what I imagine it would be like at a regular season game. What do I mean? Well, let me…

  • Hmm…what is there to watch on Thursdays, now that Friends is over. Oh, I forgot CSI is still on. So sad for all the Friends lovers out there. I saw this funny T-shirt. Hahaha….

  • Too…much…work… I was watching the Tonight show last night and Jennifer Garner from Alias was on. She’s pretty funny. I was thoroughly amused, laughing by myself.

  • My friends and I were trying to kill some time before dinner when we stumbled across this little coffeehouse on Divisadero. We saw these letters and news articles on the wall speaking of Signs and Wonders, a peanut milk drink. We ordered a small bottle and tried it. Sure enough, it tasted like peanut and…

  • This is pretty funny. It’s just dancing babies that sing a little song.

  • Actually, it’s the fact that I got these emails from people I don’t know that’s funny. Well, ok, the picture is pretty weird.