More geeky than girly.


  • Found some pretty good deals on magazines. Too bad I don’t have time to read or I would definitely be getting some of these. Click here for the Best Deal on Magazines. During checkout, apply 20% off coupon code “REN915”. Some titles include Tennis, Golf, Golf Digest, ESPN, and U.S. News and World Report.

  • P. Diddy is running in a marathon??? What on earth is going on? I wonder if he’s training. I know my friends had to train pretty hard the few months prior to the race. Weird.

  • Yahoo has begun blocking Cerulean Studios’ Trillian software from communicating with its own instant messaging software as part of its plan to limit third parties from piggybacking on its service. As of now, the Trillian patch does not resolve Yahoo issues. EDIT: They do have a patch for Trillian Pro v2.0.

  • Random News

    SF has slipped from the nation’s second most desirable place to live to third. But we beat Vegas. Universal cuts CD prices, effective October 1. I wonder if this will make people stop downloading illegally.

  • Got this from a friend: Guys, are you a metrosexual? Take the quiz.

  • Sports Talk

    Woohoo! My A’s beat the Yankees!!! Annika gets her Grand Slam. Someone brought up how we should get uniforms for our softball team. I was asking people what numbers they would get. I had a hard time coming up with a number for my jersey. Then I asked them if they had a racehorse, what…

  • Since I posted about my current desktop. Now I’m going to post about my new Matrix screensaver! With all the random scrolling characters, it looks just like the movie. No more Taylor screensaver because that one took a while to “wake up.” Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything of substance. Recently, I’ve…

  • From Darryl: Asian star Leslie Cheung died. It’s interesting how you don’t hear too many Chinese people committing suicide in the U.S., but sadly, it’s happens in Asia all too often.

  • I just drove to Berkeley and back this morning for no reason. Why you ask? Because I was supposed to go to class but my prof was sick and cancelled class. Maybe she had sent out an email beforehand, but I didn’t get it. I don’t want to be doing this when gas is at…

  • Heads up, it’s National Dark Sky Week. Why? So you can see stuff in the sky. Congratulations to my Uncle Jimmy, who just had a gym named after him. It was proposed to the Board of Education back in January (see page 2). Check out page 2 in the minutes. It was approved by a…

  • You know our world is a different place when MTV conducts profiles on “celebrities” like military leader Tommy Franks.

  • Random stuff

    Check out the yellow sign in the third picture. By the way, I haven’t gotten a chance to write this until now. From my “to do list” (as in A Walk to Remember): Shoot a gun Eat fresh sugar cane Several weeks ago, I went to a shooting range with some friends. I shot a…

  • Check out this archery game. Gotta play sports indoors on the computer instead of going outside cuz it’s getting hot again. I’m such a wimp. I want to get my own domain, but that will have to wait until I get a new job. Oh, I found this cheap copy place right near Cal that…

  • I was watching the news today and saw that someone in SF wanted to make the world’s biggest rubberband ball. How about trying for this record. On to personal news, I finally finished Desecration, the 9th book in the Left Behind Series. I’m starting The Remnant. Wowsers.

  • Web surfers in China are blocked from using Google. This is just another example of how strict and controlling the Chinese government is. I am reminded of how the people over there do not have as much freedom as we have here. The other night, I was just speaking to a friend, who went on…

  • Golf and Cars I woke up early to go play golf in 100 degree weather. Man, what’s wrong with me? Well, there are only a few things for which I opt to wake up early. One of them, is definitely golf. I know it’s bad, but sometimes I don’t even like waking up so early…

  • Happy Birthdays to Kent and Jerry. I’ve always wanted to learn how to breakdance. You know those books in the Bible: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians? I think I’ve just found my new favorite way to remember them…(ok, this is only for those Toisan people out there)…GEP-C…pronounced…GEPP-SEE. Aren’t you proud to be Toisan? In golfing…

  • My ears are sunburnt from golfing today. I forgot to put sunblock on them. And I think I missed a few spots too, cuz I’m red in certain places. I still need a lot of practice cuz I was hackin away today. I used a glove for the first time on a course today. Good…

  • Major news: Congratulations to KENNIS…who’s finally getting married. She just got engaged last Saturday.

  • I should update this page more consistently. I just spend too much time on the forums because they’re so fun! I took Sonic in for an oil change and they washed and vacuumed too! But of course, Murphy’s Law upheld, it rained. Ok, so it was just a few sprinkles, but man, there hasn’t been…