More geeky than girly.


  • Lost: a dream?

    Can someone tell me what on earth is going on? Last night’s episode was exactly what some people predicted about the show. I hate when the episode ends. The show is like a drug — it just leaves you wanting more.

  • Going up to Tahoe tomorrow.  Looking forward to some good snow with my free Kirkwood ticket. Pray for safety.

  • I’m so hungry right now.  I want to eat more than just a plain bowl of rice for dinner and then I come to a realization that I’m spoiled.  Many families in Africa survive on one meal a day.  I pray for rain in areas of drought so that they may receive a plentiful harvest.

  • Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right in your Firefox browser and lets you post to your blog easily. You can drag and drop formatted text from the page you happen to be browsing, and take notes as well as post to your blog. Check out the Performance Metrics Plugin…

  • Jet-powered VW bug takes to the street Ron Patrick wanted a VW Beetle with a jet engine (hey, who doesn’t?). But he also wanted to be able to drive it on the open road, rather than just on a closed airport runway surrounded by fire engines and EMT crews. His solution? A dual-engine vehicle, with…

  • For Johnny:

  • Ok, this is just for my own geeky records in case I ever need this information again.  I just got my gallery for my friends and family back up, but my root .htaccess was birthing 404’s everywhere.  I couldn’t get to the gallery, but once I got it fixed, all my permalinks were broken. So…

  • Update (2/16/06): My friend in BJ said he was able to get on to the AOL site, so it seems that they’re AOK! For my LA trip last week, I rented a car from SFO. While picking up the rental car, the guy directed me to this bright red car (economy size, of course). He…

  • In case there was ever any doubt that In-N-Out actually honors crazy people’s requests. Does it look like there’s 100 patties in there?

  • How not to print your Word documents… How can people deny the concept of intelligent design?

  • Checkout this new Honda Civic (UK) ad. Then watch the rehearsal video about the making of it.

  • I started playing with Wordpress plugins again and I just installed one called Extended Live Arch…

  • I just installed an Live Spell Checker that uses a relatively new technology called AJAX.

  • Happy Nicholas

    Three more Nicholas pictures. He’s totally a buddha baby…so cute! Just hover over the images an…

  • Bad behavior

    I’ve been getting hit by spam left and right. My wordpress installation has been unprotected…un…

  • Just upgraded to Wordpress 1.5.1. Guess they fixed some stuff.

  • I found a Spread Firefox plugin for Wordpress. So if you’re using IE, you’ll see an alert bar ac…

  • On Wordpress 1.2, I did this to remove curly quotes. For 1.5, the stuff you need to comment out i…

  • This picture was sent to my phone when I was in Vegas. I had Kathy and Carolyn cook with the …

  • The WordPress Theme competition has ended and they’ve finally announced the winners.