Underground Atomic Bomb Detonation
1 min read
Why detonate underground when you can do it above ground? I want to see mutants, dangit! Here’s another underground detonation video at google . That reminds me, I need to get an emergency kit together. I wonder how many of my friends and loved ones are prepared. I was talking to Jerry today and I…
Blue Like Jazz: just motions
2 min read
I had finished reading Blue Like Jazz a while ago. I pretty much underlined the whole book. Well, ok, not exactly, but there were a lot of things that I thought were interesting. When I was reading it at WCC last month, a lady was curious about what the book was about. When I explained…
Sleepy Sunday
1 min read
3:30am- got home from LA 3:45am-went to sleep 7:45am-woke up for church When I awoke, I sat on my bed debating whether or not to skip service for an extra hour of sleep. I decided to be obedient go. And you know what? He blessed me with a really good parking space close to church! …
Day trip to LA
1 min read
Driving to LA tomorrow morning for a friend’s wedding. Coming back at night. Go ahead, tell me I’m crazy. Pray for safety.
Office Work
1 min read
I’m still not used to sitting behind a desk and staring at a computer all day for work. I think I’m going blind. Bad news for today: It’s so lonely in the office because I’m the only one here. Good news for today: My boss just offered the option to telecommute one day a week.…
Super Hero Speed Mail?
1 min read
For Johnny:
Is it Friday the 13th or something?
2 min read
I’ve had about the worst day ever today, and it’s not even over yet! First off, I overslept, so I left the house late. When I leave later, there’s more traffic. Stinks. I leave before eating the free lunch at work to get new tires from Costco. I drive over to the one near the…
New company policy
2 min read
Dress Code It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary. If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise. If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so…
Yellow fever (video) relapse?
1 min read
Remember the yellow fever video I posted a few weeks ago? Well guess what??? I was at UCSD last week with a friend dropping a car off for her mom. The exchange was goin down when I saw the Indian guy from the video!!! Ha! I must have stared at him for at least 3…
Four things
2 min read
You know when you played tag and you wanted to be it….oh oh, tag me, tag me! You end up just reaching out asking for the tag? I’m it! Four jobs I’ve had in my life Ice Cream Scooper Teacher Restaurant Manager Therapist Four movies I can watch over and over (hmm, I own the…
1 min read
Been so so busy, but learning so so much. I stand in awe of the Almighty, Creator of the universe. He takes good care of me and knows exactly what I need and when I need it. I ought to be more diligent in putting my thoughts and experiences into words. Song lyrics of the…
In-N-Out 100×100
1 min read
In case there was ever any doubt that In-N-Out actually honors crazy people’s requests. Does it look like there’s 100 patties in there?
You said
1 min read
You said, “Ask and you will receive, Whatever you need.” You said, “Pray and I’ll hear from heaven, And I’ll heal your land.” You said, “Your glory will fill the earth, Like water the sea.” You said, “Lift up your eyes. The harvest is here. The kingdom is near.” You said, “Ask and I’ll give…
Ode to my sweet love
1 min read
You have been a true friend, You kept me company at night. I’m sorry for my inattention, Oh, how I have neglected you. You allowed me To express myself in ways I never imagined. You opened the door To a web of a world I had never known. You changed me Into a person I…
Coffee Calendar
1 min read
I normally don’t spend money buying calendars since my grandma or aunties have an ample supply from Chinese banks, but I haven’t gotten any this year. So I went out and bought one. They’re 50% off, but they still cost a couple bucks. They have the usual animals or Lord of the Rings, but I…
Hilarious Blonde Joke
1 min read
This has to be the nerdiest blonde joke I have ever seen.
Happy 2006
1 min read
Happy New Year. Wow, by my lack of posts, you’d think I moved out of the country…again. But I’m sure the little changes on this site is some assurance that I am still here. Thanks to all who prayed for my mom. She stayed in the hospital that night for observation. The doctors still don’t…
Merry Christmas
1 min read
I wish I had time to write about everything that’s been going on this holiday season–my birthday, celebrations, and tomorrow’s snow trip with the high schoolers, but there’s only been one thing on my mind. My mom’s been sick for a while, but she was admitted into the hospital tonight because of an abnormally fast…
Not music to my ears
1 min read
So I had dinner at Fresh Choice tonight. We thought we were the only ones left in the place unti…
American vs. Chinese office
1 min read
Do you know the difference between the Chinese office and an American office? Chinese people don’…