I now know why Mr.
2 min read
I now know why Mr. Miyagi used the wax on, wax off method. I guess I really never knew why he couldn’t just wax on the whole thing, then wax off afterwards. My arms are really sore. But if your arms aren’t sore, try playing a new version of Breakout. I’ve only had my little…
Check out this archery game.
1 min read
Check out this archery game. Gotta play sports indoors on the computer instead of going outside cuz it’s getting hot again. I’m such a wimp. I want to get my own domain, but that will have to wait until I get a new job. Oh, I found this cheap copy place right near Cal that…
I was watching the news
1 min read
I was watching the news today and saw that someone in SF wanted to make the world’s biggest rubberband ball. How about trying for this record. On to personal news, I finally finished Desecration, the 9th book in the Left Behind Series. I’m starting The Remnant. Wowsers.
Our church softball team record
2 min read
Our church softball team record this season is 2-1 right now. Not too shabby. We get better and better every time we play, probably because the only time we practice is when we’re playing! It’s neat to play in a league where you play against other churches. Sports ministries are pretty cool because it allows…
Living out of boxes I’m
1 min read
Living out of boxes I’m so tired from packing. Pretty much everything I own is in boxes right now. They’re supposed to be working on our carpet tomorrow. I really hate having strangers come into the house and mess with things. It would almost consider it a violation! When you have people come fix your…
I pray that our nation
1 min read
I pray that our nation will look to God, and that God will look after our nation.
My whole body aches. Lesson
1 min read
My whole body aches. Lesson learned: When you haven’t been exercising regularly, do not play softball, tennis, and run sprints — all in 3 days.
Web surfers in China are
2 min read
Web surfers in China are blocked from using Google. This is just another example of how strict and controlling the Chinese government is. I am reminded of how the people over there do not have as much freedom as we have here. The other night, I was just speaking to a friend, who went on…
My back is sore from
1 min read
My back is sore from packing and cleaning, ok, mostly packing. I’ve never seen so much of the carpet in my room before. Tomorrow morning, it’s goodbye to my 2-story high bed, which was on loan from my aunt. I’m going to miss having to high jump just to get onto the bed itself. Boy,…
Where to take kids when
1 min read
Where to take kids when they’re bad…
Would you like to
1 min read
Would you like to see this? I had a few conversations with several people recently where we compared the churches in America with churches in lesser developed countries. We said that the churches in other countries seem to be so full of passion and zeal for God, whereas the churches in America seem totally lukewarm…
Golf and Cars I woke
2 min read
Golf and Cars I woke up early to go play golf in 100 degree weather. Man, what’s wrong with me? Well, there are only a few things for which I opt to wake up early. One of them, is definitely golf. I know it’s bad, but sometimes I don’t even like waking up so early…
Take the Google Quiz.
1 min read
Take the Google Quiz.
The tagboard wasn’t working today,
1 min read
The tagboard wasn’t working today, so I took it out for the time being. In its place, I’m trying the BlogAmp playlist. It shows all the songs I’ve listened to recently on WinAmp. Neat, huh?
Friday night recap Tonight was
2 min read
Friday night recap Tonight was a night of interesting late-night phone conversations. I was talking to a friend, who is interested in this girl but seems to be changing his mind after hanging out with her a bit more. I loved what he said: “My dream girl isn’t so dreamy anymore.” Haha…that made me laugh.…
Do you know how it
2 min read
Do you know how it feels after you meet someone really famous? It’s a weird feeling. It’s even more bizarre when the person you’ve met is not really famous in that he or she is well-known to the general population, but famous only in my specific area of study. I finally got to meet Dr.…
I love this iceberg
1 min read
I love this iceberg picture. It’s kinda like me, or people for that matter. What you see is not all there is. This picture: absolutely mesmerizing.
It’s zilla nation. Link thanks
1 min read
It’s zilla nation. Link thanks to davezilla.
See my new babies. Well,
2 min read
See my new babies. Well, ok, it’s just one of them. Movie Weekend For someone who doesn’t watch that many movies, I sure saw a lot this weekend. First off, we went to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I’ve never actually heard of it until CC mentioned that she wanted to see it. It…
Happy Birthdays to Kent and
1 min read
Happy Birthdays to Kent and Jerry. I’ve always wanted to learn how to breakdance. You know those books in the Bible: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians? I think I’ve just found my new favorite way to remember them…(ok, this is only for those Toisan people out there)…GEP-C…pronounced…GEPP-SEE. Aren’t you proud to be Toisan? In golfing…