More geeky than girly.


  • Peet’s is giving away a free quarter pound of coffee with each purchase every Friday in April. Link.

  • 你唔好喺度叽叽咭咭啊下!  Should I be learning Chinese like that?

  • 99rooms

    A unique internet art project that interweaves wall painting, photography, animation and sound:  visit Uber cool.

  • I had finished reading Blue Like Jazz a while ago.  I pretty much underlined the whole book.  Well, ok, not exactly, but there were a lot of things that I thought were interesting.  When I was reading it at WCC last month, a lady was curious about what the book was about.  When I explained…

  • Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor that sits right in your Firefox browser and lets you post to your blog easily. You can drag and drop formatted text from the page you happen to be browsing, and take notes as well as post to your blog. Check out the Performance Metrics Plugin…

  • Ok, this is just for my own geeky records in case I ever need this information again.  I just got my gallery for my friends and family back up, but my root .htaccess was birthing 404’s everywhere.  I couldn’t get to the gallery, but once I got it fixed, all my permalinks were broken. So…

  • The World Bank defines poverty as living on less than $2 a day and extreme poverty as living on less than $1 a day.    During Lent, I’ve decided

  • Update (2/16/06): My friend in BJ said he was able to get on to the AOL site, so it seems that they’re AOK! For my LA trip last week, I rented a car from SFO. While picking up the rental car, the guy directed me to this bright red car (economy size, of course). He…

  • Growing

    Been so so busy, but learning so so much. I stand in awe of the Almighty, Creator of the universe. He takes good care of me and knows exactly what I need and when I need it. I ought to be more diligent in putting my thoughts and experiences into words. Song lyrics of the…

  • I miss movies

    I haven’t watched a movie in a long time. But wow, after watching Ong-bak, I’m definitely inspired to go back to the park. Tony Jaa can probably kick Jet Li’s butt anytime. No worries, I still got love for Jet Li’s “pretty style and acrobatics,” as Tony Jaa mentions in a pretty cool interview. Yeah,…

  • You said

    You said, “Ask and you will receive, Whatever you need.” You said, “Pray and I’ll hear from heaven, And I’ll heal your land.” You said, “Your glory will fill the earth, Like water the sea.” You said, “Lift up your eyes. The harvest is here. The kingdom is near.” You said, “Ask and I’ll give…

  • You have been a true friend, You kept me company at night. I’m sorry for my inattention, Oh, how I have neglected you. You allowed me To express myself in ways I never imagined. You opened the door To a web of a world I had never known. You changed me Into a person I…

  • I wish I had time to write about everything that’s been going on this holiday season–my birthday, celebrations, and tomorrow’s snow trip with the high schoolers, but there’s only been one thing on my mind. My mom’s been sick for a while, but she was admitted into the hospital tonight because of an abnormally fast…

  • This must be the 2nd or 3rd time renting House of Flying Daggers and I finally got to watch it. …

  • First day at the new job. First thing that went on was the Monday morning prayer meeting. It’s gr…

  • If you’re reading a single article, you’ll see a link on the right column where you can click to …

  • A Real Job

    I’m still transitioning out…

  • For all of us John Williams’ fans, previews of Memoirs of a Geisha.

  • Job offer

    I’ve never had anyone pray for me at the end of a job interview before. Then again, this isn’t y…

  • 3 cheers for the weekend. Well, my employer finally started feeling bad for us (making becau…