More geeky than girly.


  • Yahoo increases free email storage to 1 GB. Now I have way too much space everywhere.

  • Ping Favelet

    Ever wanted to send Technorati an XML/RPC ping manually, but without the hassle of typing your long url? So guess what I found? This great ping favelet. Just right click the following link and save it to your bookmark folder. Whenever you want to ping a particular page, just navigate there and hit the “Ping…

  • Our Lord compares His people to sheep, not to cattle. It is especially important that Christian leaders know the law of the leader–that he can lead others only as far as he himself has gone…. The leader must experience what he would teach or he will find himself in the impossible position of trying to…

  • Everyone using Internet Explorer to view my website will now see a huge firefox banner. If you are already using firefox, it will not be in your way, you won’t see it. I love firefox and I want all my friends to start using it. Go get it now! It’s sooo much better than IE.

  • Sideblog

    Yay, I finally got a sideblog goin on here called “mini-golf.” Those are just links to websites that I’ve come across that don’t warrant their own full post on the front page. They look similar to Matt’s asides and asides for WordPress 1.5. But instead of separating out a special category, the mini-post plugin allows…

  • Last updated: December, 2022 Everyone else has done it, so here it goes “100 things about me”: I’m known as simply some girl online, and BJ at Starbucks or Jamba Juice. My real nickname is Beej (short for BJ, from Baby Jen) My REAL real name is Jennifer I’ve always wanted a nickname when I…

  • I was looking at my list of archives by month and noticed that I made only 1 post last December. That’s pretty sad. I wonder what I was doing? I just remember that it was a busy month. Like I always tell people, you can probably tell how busy I am by the amount of…

  • SAT’s

    God, I pray that you will be with the juniors who will be taking the new SAT’s tomorrow. Calm their hearts during those long 4 hours. Give them energy to stay awake, clarity of mind to remember the things they have learned, and wisdom to make good educated guesses when they are unsure of the…

  • I just started a new category called a prayer log. Why now? Well, it started on Sunday when I was sharing about how I couldn’t stand some of the people (ok, only 1 person–one of my supervisors) that I work with. I had asked my group to pray for patience for me. On Monday, I…

  • 43 Things

    Look, I started a to-do list. You can check them off as you complete them. I wonder how many I’ll get done. I got this from looking at Nosebleed’s site. He’s one of the bt people who helped me when I had problems working with this site.

  • Another layout

    Ok, I had to change my layout once again. Well, I guess I could have kept that reddish looking one, but Sacrod brought to my attention that the separator in that theme is a sacred symbol in Hinduism. What negligence on my part as a Christian blogger. Sacrod suggested that I use another symbol in…

  • Got this in an email from Sacrod. 1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A SECOND HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Right now? Definitely Lake Tahoe. North Tahoe, to be specific. 2. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? My Saturday night live hat. It’s super comfy! Thanks to Helen and Frances for making me buy it,…

  • Man, here goes another 40 weeks of fantasy golf. I hope I remember to pick my players this week.

  • Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve written anything. Things over at beigetower were all up in the air so I got myself a birthday present. It’s a splurge but I figured I’ve waited long enough for my own name. I couldn’t come up with anything that I really wanted. Beej.anything is pretty much…

  • Check it out. I was just getting used to reading the threads too. By the way, everyone is saying how their hotmail storage size increased to 250 MB. It’s weird, but my hotmail account jumped to that size months ago. I wonder why. Is it because I’ve had that account forever…like when email first started?…

  • Chinese-American writer Iris Chang, historian and author of the bestselling nonfiction book “The Rape of Nanking”, has died of apparent suicide. By the way, that’s one of the books on my “To Read” list.

  • Cultured

    Carmen Methinks this might be the start of a new addiction on a whole ‘nother socioeconomic level. More to come when I have time.

  • They’re tearing apart the house that’s directly across from mine. They had an estate sale a few weeks ago at the same house. I was wondering why all these people were parked on our quiet street at 8 in the morning with coffee in their hands. When I looked up at the house, there was…

  • I was at the preschool today with one of my clients. A little girl nearby started saying how she was sick. Here’s what she warned: I’m sick. Don’t touch my boogers. I’ll try to remember that. Thanks for the heads up.

  • You can go bid on Barry Bonds’ 700th home run ball. The bidding started at $1. I wanted to place a bid and jack up the prices for all those people who have nothing else to spend their money on. The item will be up for 10 days. The auction started at 12 noon today…