More geeky than girly.


  • Quick Weekend Update Some of my friends came up from L.A. to visit. They got the one day tour of the city. They asked some good questions about the city’s history. I really have to read up on how North Beach got its name. My allergies were really bad this weekend because it was really…

  • TV show preference During dinner, I was watching a show on TV where they were talking about language and brain functioning. There were these kids who had severe seizures that were not treatable with medication. Their last resort was to remove the part of the brain that was affected by the seizures, in these case,…

  • Interview about Blogging Andrew, from bloggedy blog, has emailed me and asked me to do an online interview about blogging. I thought they were interesting questions, some of which never occurred to me. Here it goes: 1. Your name and age (or date of birth might be better, since story might not run for a…

  • Sunburnt and Sore The past couple of days have been really fun. Got back from tahoe on saturday. This was the first time I had gone boarding 2 days in row. It was pretty tiring but it was oh so fun!!! It was so warm up there people were skiing half naked! Being the wild…

  • Tax Day Woohoo! All done with taxes. Now I just have to wait for the checks. Here’s another one of those funny games. You have to cook the meat just right to get points. If you undercook it or overcook it, you lose. Try beating 18,060 achieved by Miss “I have nothing better to do”…

  • Check this out. One guy’s take on the guy/girl thing and other stuff…funny, eh? DEAL OF THE DAY: This Oregon Scientific PD293 512K Card-Size PDA is only $19.93 at

  • Antitrust Just finished watching Antitrust. Not bad. We were predicting and criticizing different aspects of the movie. Funny how I see things through such a critical eye now. But I suggest for those techies who are out of work now, don’t watch this movie. It’s kinda depressing in the beginning seeing how good it is…

  • Baby Mop I should have gotten this for Caleb’s birthday. The title for the description is funny: Make children work for their keep. Asians come up with the funniest things.

  • Weekend Review On Friday, we celebrated Caleb’s FIRST birthday party. Let me tell you, that kid has so many toys! It was fun watching him help open the gifts by pulling on the wrapping. Good thing I did worship on Sunday, or else I probably would have been late because I didn’t have my alarm…

  • Boo, I have no internet access at home now. I tried installing a newer version of windows and now it’s not compatible with the software for my modem. New software is on it’s way. I was driving across the bridge today and saw this huge military aircraft fly overhead. I watched it as it flew,…

  • Taken from Kristine. It’s this or that Tuesdays, and yes, I’m a day late. But thought this was fun. Feel free to leave your answers also!!! Car or SUV? Car, then if I have money, SUV. Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve? Christmas Eve. Candy or cake? Candy. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate (Dark). Tuesday or…

  • I was watching this show on MTV called “Flipped.” They take people and put them in scenarios representing consequences that might happen as a result of their lifestyle or actions. It’s a pretty good show. For example, today, they had 2 people on, a girl and a guy, who had a history of being promiscuous…

  • Ok, since I’ve had a little time to recover, I figured I’d finally write about my weekend. Warning: the following post is not for the faint-hearted. Friday: People from my fellowship group came over and we had a taco night. Bad season for tacos because lettuce and tomatoes are extremely expensive at the grocery stores.…

  • It’s been so cold here lately. It’s supposed to get even colder tonight and tomorrow. Temperatur…

  • “The common quest or vision which unites Friends does not absorb them in such a way that they remain ignorant or oblivious of one another. On the contrary it is the very medium in which their mutual love and knowledge exist. One knows nobody so well as one’s ‘fellow.’ Every step of the common journey…

  • Wow, I think this is the longest it’s been since I last posted. Snowboarding was fun, but it could have been better if the weather had cooperated. It was snowing most of the time we were there so the snow was awesome, but we were all drenched by the end of the day. My car…

  • Hey look! My picture present that I had gotten on Tuesday, Dec. 18, finally opened. How fun! Look at it below!!!

  • Merry Christmas!!! I just got back from the candlelight service and cable car caroling (or more like cable car yelling). We drove around the city yelling Merry Christmas to people. I haven’t had that much fun in a while, seeing that all I’ve been doing is writing papers. We looked like a bunch of drunkards.…

  • Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden? I can’t wait until I’m finished with the papers. Mucho thanks to Raymond for attempting to solve my cgi problems and trying to get the comments to work, even though the solution has yet to be discovered. I spent way too much time on that when I…

  • Well, there’s a picture now, but it doesn’t quite look right. (Although I do like the fact that it’s pretty big). Don’t worry, I’m not obsessed with Jet Li, I was just using it as a test. Fixing it shall have to wait until another time. I should go now, too much fun for one…