More geeky than girly.


  • Are you?

    For all my geeky friends (and much of my family)…  How to determine if you are an engineer: The only jokes you receive are through email (OUCH) At Christmas, it goes without saying that you will be the one to find the burnt-out bulb in the string of Christmas lights. Buying flowers for your girlfriend/boyfriend…

  • My days have been filled with lessons, lesson planning, eating, hand-washing my clothes, and shopping for food and other necessities. I haven’t been able to get online until recently when my teammate discovered a wireless connection near the window…haha! If I had time, I would have gone to what my students call “net bars” where…

  • Summer 06

    I’m back here in HK again.  The heat and humidity is a bit nostalgic.  I’ve been able to email at the terminals in the library, but haven’t been able to upload pictures just yet.  Will try using my teammate’s laptop once we get into CN.  Apparently, we’re supposed to have internet access in our hotel…

  • My brother got me another stick of ram for pennies, er, just about. I’ve been complaining that my computer has been running slower and he said it’s from all the junk that I run. Hey now. Anyways, the deal master came through and here it is, next to the old RAM that’s covered with a…

  • 99rooms

    A unique internet art project that interweaves wall painting, photography, animation and sound:  visit Uber cool.

  • When I got home from work today, it was non-stop chatting. I finally had the pleasure of meeting…

  • Turn off the internet

  • I’ve been so tired these past two weeks. Is it because I work really long hours during the week …

  • – 30 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do on the Internet

  • Internet game: we love the web.

  • Yahoo increases free email storage to 1 GB. Now I have way too much space everywhere.

  • Everyone using Internet Explorer to view my website will now see a huge firefox banner. If you are already using firefox, it will not be in your way, you won’t see it. I love firefox and I want all my friends to start using it. Go get it now! It’s sooo much better than IE.

  • I found the neatest thing today. You can search through internet archives. I found my old website called Sanctified when it was hosted at good old (and more importantly, FREE) Tripod. I should upload all the images back on the tripod server just so that page would show up correctly…ha!

  • Yay, I got my network at home up and running. Since I only have 1 monitor and keyboard, I use my desktop to remotely control my old machine. And both machines have internet access and everything! I love it. Now I just have to find a way to turn it into a webserver. I’ve never…

  • IRC channel

    Check it: #coffeehouse on is now in effect. Why #coffeehouse? #coffeehouse exists so that readers and friends of The Torn Identity have a place to hang out and chat with each other in real time. I used IRC way back when the “internet” first started, back before all the IM came out. Feel free…

  • Poem

    Taken from a creative soul who put this on the internet: You illness of the past century Coming and destroying family You are strong battling From the inside Slyly you are coming Without asking you are entering In between a loving family You are not asking, you are taking But there is something you will…

  • I understand now that I’ve been spoiled by the luxuries of technology. Cell phones, cable, and dsl. Now, I feel as though I’ve had a part of me amputated — I have no internet access. Alas, things are back to the way they were TEN YEARS ago… it will be a struggle to do my…

  • Our church softball team record this season is 2-1 right now. Not too shabby. We get better and better every time we play, probably because the only time we practice is when we’re playing! It’s neat to play in a league where you play against other churches. Sports ministries are pretty cool because it allows…

  • Pick it up, pack it in. Let me begin. I love that song. Classes haven’t even officially started, yet I’m procrastinating like heck already. I don’t know how I’m ever going to get that wicked monster called the thesis finished. I didn’t know Hong Kong has the most high speed internet connections in the world.…

  • Ok, scratch that last post. I have internet connection. Haha. Anyways, Stephen got us down in 5 hours today. Wowee. I met up with some friends for dinner. There were 3 of us Asians, 2 who spoke Japanese, and a white guy who also speaks Japanese. We ate at some restaurant that served mostly Japanese…