More geeky than girly.


  • Edited: Friday, August 22 When I got back, everyone kept asking why I didn’t stay for the Olympics. My answer was “it’s better watching it on TV.” But now that I’ve seen these pictures, I guess being at the opening ceremonies wouldn’t have been too bad. More here or check out some weird Olympics photos.

  • As I was getting my bagel this morning, found out that coffee is only 19 cents at Noah’s Bagels–celebrating their 19th anniversary.

  • Just got back from a sneak preview of The Forbidden Kingdom that opens this Friday, along with Expelled. Don’t worry, no spoilers here because I don’t really like to write. I’m just embarrassed every time Jet Li speaks in English. I think filmmakers make the effort to minimize his lines. But boy, he does move…

  • A boycott of the Olympics would have precisely the opposite effect that is intended. #

  • Update: By the way, read about what China is saying about the torch relay here and here. The Olympic flame landed in SFO today around 3:40am. There have been so many protests already. Being Chinese American, I am proud of China’s rise in power and prominence, but at the same time, I am dismayed at…

  • Update (April 5, 2008): Everyone’s knows of his “I Have a Dream” speech, but check out his very last speech in Memphis, the night before he was killed. Part one and part two, which is especially powerful and moving. Photo Credit: Trikosko/Library of Congress April 4, 1968- Dr. Martin Luther King was shot dead at…

  • College grads in Beijing to leave campus earlier (March 9, 2008, Xinhua) College graduates in Beijing will leave campus roughly a month earlier than the usual time this summer due to the Olympics which is scheduled to start on August 8 in the city. Beijing municipal education authorities required all colleges located in Beijing to…

  • is the Christian version of The Onion, a parody news source. High five to Kurt for the link.

  • Charissa: socal is burning up like crazy me: really? Charissa: yeah me: yeah, it’s been pretty hot here too Charissa: nooo Charissa: fires That’s what I get for not watching the news on Sundays. Pray for all the SoCal folks please. +- On a different note– check out Crackbook: a hilarious spoof on the popular…

  • My friend Craig had extra tickets to Barry Bonds’ last game with the Giants, so he invited me and my friend Nathan along. We had really good seats (row 10 on the 3rd base side). Even though I’m not a big fan Giants fan, it’s always fun to go to a ballgame and of course,…

  • Check out the celebration–the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China from Britain. Too bad I was only able to watch it on TV. Must have been madness out there. Happy birthday to my dad too.

  • We Believe!

    The Warriors made it to ROUND 2. Check out my friend while we were watching last night’s game. For as long as I’ve known him (which is about the length of the Warrior’s drought), he was NEVER into sports. Look at him now: My friend emailed an article about photoshopped Chucks to me this morning.…

  • Been playing around with another photoblog plugin for WordPress.  Still a lot of things I need to figure out, so we’ll see if I stick with this one. So this site is once again what they call fluid.  All the columns should be pretty flexible now, and adjusts to the size of the browser window,…

  • This was a scene at a water park in China during their May holiday. And I’m going WHERE this summer??? Good luck to me… Check out more crazy crowd pictures here.

  • Nerd news

    This Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. This millennial moment occurs every hundred years. I think I’ll sleep through it.

  • I’m so hungry right now.  I want to eat more than just a plain bowl of rice for dinner and then I come to a realization that I’m spoiled.  Many families in Africa survive on one meal a day.  I pray for rain in areas of drought so that they may receive a plentiful harvest.

  • Check out these pics. She’s 7’9″ while Yao Ming is a mere 7’5″.

  • Office Work

    I’m still not used to sitting behind a desk and staring at a computer all day for work. I think I’m going blind. Bad news for today: It’s so lonely in the office because I’m the only one here. Good news for today: My boss just offered the option to telecommute one day a week.…

  • Update (3/3/06): johnny: what is your buddy icon of? me: it’s the vw fast johnny: illl…it looks funny so small. me: haha me: they’re selling for about $400 on ebay johnny: for the stupid toy used in the commercials?? johnny: you can buy the staples button from staples for $5. me: so nerdy Check out…