More geeky than girly.


  • Shouldn’t people know this already? What I’ve learned: When someone says one thing, but acts in a contradictory way, you have a choice between believing their words or believing their deeds. Believe their deeds. This applies to all areas of life, whether in business or relationships. Dear readers, save yourselves from being burned.

  • “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” —  Aldous Huxley I don’t have the words anymore.  Understand me.

  • I think my friend Stan would get a kick outta this: IN PRISON: You spend the majority of your time in a 10X10 cell.AT WORK: You spend the majority of your time in an 8X8 cubicle. IN PRISON: You get three meals a day.AT WORK: You get a break for one meal and you have…

  • The Bible teaches that sin is a state of the heart. It separates us from God. The outward symptoms of sin are the individual sins we commit: lying, cheating, stealing, murder, adultery and so forth. Islam, on the other hand, teaches that people do not have a fallen nature. There is no original sin. Adam…

  • Good Stuff

    Thought For The Day for all 2 of my readers: “Good looks catch the eye but a good personality catches the heart. You’re blessed with both!”

  • Happy Birthday to Bethany Masako Wong. If my godson has a sister, does that make her my god-daughter? I need to be better at visiting and spoiling them.

  • Anyone else use Yahoo Mail Beta? Check out the easter egg: When composing a message just hit the Subject: button to cycle through a collection of random (often humorous) subject lines. A lot of real gems in here including: * The brain has been polished professor. * All your platypus are belong to us. *…

  • “In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.” – John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 25 +- On another note, I love it when friends know you well enough to know what you want without asking. I was craving corned beef and…

  • For all the cubicle workers out there. This is probably one of my favorite e-cards that I’ve gotten so far. I can be very sarcastic, especially when I’m upset, mad, or frustrated. But over the years I’ve improved, trying to show the grace that I’ve received. Thanks, grrl.

  • Thanks for taking care of me today.

  • 4:52:47 PM: you got a new car and you didn't tell me?4:53:39 PM: you got a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?4:53:55 PM: crap…

  • Monthly memory verse for my high schoolers: Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV) 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. It’s the start of…

  • I was walking towards a store this evening and I saw this guy who was standing there.  He had said something to a girl getting into her car.  Before she sat in, she told him, "I'm married." Um, ok. As I walked back towards the car, I saw that same guy standing there.  I kept…

  • Here’s a shot of the view from my hotel room: It’s not the best picture, but it will have to do for now.  I feel very blessed to be here.  I pray that I can be a blessing to others as I talk with students. I do feel a bit sad that I will not…

  • Both literally and figuratively. Apparently there's been strong winds and of course, rain–knocking out power in much of the area. I was talking to my friend Jenny today and she said she had the day off because her company didn't have power. Flights are delayed. My friend Chuphoria was supposed to go up late night…

  • Little did you know that a movie called Stranger Than Fiction contains some of my favorite things on the planet. "Dark Chocolate Macadamia Nut Wedge"- one of my favorite candies mixed with my favorite type of nut equals one of my favorite combos Moleskine-Will Ferrell uses one to tally points Nice pick, J. But I…

  • Anyone buy anything on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?  My family watched a lot of football over Thanksgiving.  Out of all the sports, I think football is the only one I don't mind watching, no matter what team is playing.  Then I came across the weirdest high school football game. Too bad we didn't have…

  • I should order some of these stickers from  Apparently, they're low-tac so it's not meant to be permanent, easier to peel off.  Someone buy it and share the 100-pack with me.  I might have to use it on some of my kids–I've seen how they park.

  • Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn.") and is said to have called it his best work. Check out more very short stories. Think you're creative? Leave a comment.

  • The next time I go on vacation, I'm going to use this as my auto-response: I’m on vacation until June 30th, and I will delete all email when I return. In case of an emergency, Carol Smith has my cell phone number. You may wish to send your request to Brian White or Amit Singhal,…