The Day the Earth Shook
2 min read
Today is the 100th anniversary of the great quake (check out the old-fashioned design on that site). The earthquake hit San Francisco at 5:12:05 a.m. There were two shocks. The second one was stronger. It lasted 40 seconds, but in those seconds, energy equivalent to several nuclear bombs was released. Some scientists say that the…
Free beans at Peet’s
1 min read
Peet’s is giving away a free quarter pound of coffee with each purchase every Friday in April. Link.
Free Starbucks coffee
1 min read
How I do LOVE coffee, especially when it’s FREE!
Coffee Calendar
1 min read
I normally don’t spend money buying calendars since my grandma or aunties have an ample supply from Chinese banks, but I haven’t gotten any this year. So I went out and bought one. They’re 50% off, but they still cost a couple bucks. They have the usual animals or Lord of the Rings, but I…
American vs. Chinese office
1 min read
Do you know the difference between the Chinese office and an American office? Chinese people don’…
Coffee and tidbits
1 min read
I have a coupon for free shipping at Peet’s. I’m tempted to try the Holiday Blend. "Dark chocol…
Tired of being tired
2 min read
I’ve been so tired these past two weeks. Is it because I work really long hours during the week …
God knows when I need rest
3 min read
Since Sunday, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather. Well, how can you not when you live …
Apprentice and computer news, Peet’s, and Britney
1 min read
‘Apprentice’ Chris arrested I knew it was going to happen sooner or later with that guy’s temper. He should have been voted off a long time ago. Computer Issues I’ve been having problems browsing during the evenings. I’d be able to get online to chat, but couldn’t access any websites. Both Jerry and Morgan suggested…
Google ads, cousin’s music, and more Star Wars news
2 min read
Google ads are up You may have noticed some google ads floating around this site. Feel free to click on them often. You’ll be helping me get my morning coffee.
100 Things About Me
4 min read
Last updated: December, 2022 Everyone else has done it, so here it goes “100 things about me”: I’m known as simply some girl online, and BJ at Starbucks or Jamba Juice. My real nickname is Beej (short for BJ, from Baby Jen) My REAL real name is Jennifer I’ve always wanted a nickname when I…
Ok Sherlock Holmes…
1 min read
They’re tearing apart the house that’s directly across from mine. They had an estate sale a few weeks ago at the same house. I was wondering why all these people were parked on our quiet street at 8 in the morning with coffee in their hands. When I looked up at the house, there was…
1 min read
Espresso from Italy Benny and Julia told me about this espresso coffee they got from somone who went to Italy. They said it was supposed to be really good. So when Anthony went to Italy, I asked him to get me some. He gave me 4 bricks! Mmm…I must say that it’s pretty good. I’d…
Signs and Wonders drink
1 min read
My friends and I were trying to kill some time before dinner when we stumbled across this little coffeehouse on Divisadero. We saw these letters and news articles on the wall speaking of Signs and Wonders, a peanut milk drink. We ordered a small bottle and tried it. Sure enough, it tasted like peanut and…
IRC channel
5 min read
Check it: #coffeehouse on is now in effect. Why #coffeehouse? #coffeehouse exists so that readers and friends of The Torn Identity have a place to hang out and chat with each other in real time. I used IRC way back when the “internet” first started, back before all the IM came out. Feel free…
I went to see Matt’s
1 min read
I went to see Matt’s dorm today at Cal. We talked about how liberal the school was, evidenced by his dorm which was co-ed. That means co-ed halls with girls rooms next to guys rooms, and where girls and guys share the bathrooms. It was weird to go into the bathrooms and see the first…