More geeky than girly.


  • Mare Island

    Free night workshop that wasn’t much of a workshop. I guess you get what you pay for. I should have centered myself a bit better on this one. Not sure what the turnstiles are for, we just walked around it on the left. Anyhoo, I don’t usually shoot much night stuff but I thought those…

  • Updated (Feb 27, 2012): Yet another story using this photo. If the image above looks familiar, you probably saw it when I posted about my google chrome laptop. I’m posting about it again because used it today for one of their stories. Thanks to ethegolfman for the heads up.

  • President Obama was here in the Bay Area having dinner last night with some important people. It must be pretty awesome to be there taking these pictures. Check out a Q&A session with Pete Souza, official White House photographer. Anyone recognize the people at dinner with the President?

  • Look, my photo was used at Curbed SF. Cool!

  • Yesterday 6:59am Published a blog post. Daily Digest for 2008-10-13 5:19pm Published a blog post. Colorful hydrants 5:20pm Posted a photo on TwitPic.

  • Ok, so maybe it’s not THAT new, but it’s new to me because I haven’t played with Flock since version 0.0001 beta. Apparently, I got Joey hooked on Digsby. Not sure why he likes it so much. Now I have another thing to introduce to him. Joey, meet Flock: the social web browser. Not sure…

  • Boy was the spirit of the Olympics ever-present at the Torch run protests today! Everyone showed strong team participation and competitiveness. Check it: Team China: Team Tibet: Team Burma: Team Darfur (represented by the green balloons): Team Vietnamese Fisherman: Team Friendlies (yes, that’s what the Mascots are called): Team Lion Dancing: Team Fudan (represented by…

  • Update (April 5, 2008): Everyone’s knows of his “I Have a Dream” speech, but check out his very last speech in Memphis, the night before he was killed. Part one and part two, which is especially powerful and moving. Photo Credit: Trikosko/Library of Congress April 4, 1968- Dr. Martin Luther King was shot dead at…

  • Go to Flickr and sign up for a new account with a Verizon/SBC/AT&T e-mail address (e.g. * for me). Current members have to “merge their account” by changing the e-mail address to an AT&T one and you should get Pro access for free for as long as you keep your dsl account! I love free…

  • It’s been pretty hot here. Our new friends seem…well…pretty friendly. Looking forward to seeing more of the area. Will post up more pictures soon at Flickr.

  • We Believe!

    The Warriors made it to ROUND 2. Check out my friend while we were watching last night’s game. For as long as I’ve known him (which is about the length of the Warrior’s drought), he was NEVER into sports. Look at him now: My friend emailed an article about photoshopped Chucks to me this morning.…

  • No, it wasn’t snowing, but it sure looked like it was. Now that’s the way to spend Valentine’s Day: whacking the heck outta the people around you. I’ve got feathers in places you don’t wanna know. Check out more photos at flickr.

  • Both literally and figuratively. Apparently there's been strong winds and of course, rain–knocking out power in much of the area. I was talking to my friend Jenny today and she said she had the day off because her company didn't have power. Flights are delayed. My friend Chuphoria was supposed to go up late night…

  • I should order some of these stickers from  Apparently, they're low-tac so it's not meant to be permanent, easier to peel off.  Someone buy it and share the 100-pack with me.  I might have to use it on some of my kids–I've seen how they park.

  • Flickr map

    Check out my geotagged pictures.  Ok, there are only a few.  At least I added some pictures from this summer.  Nobody's really seen any yet.

  • For all the guys… All I can say is…whoa. Read about it here. 

  • First time since 1992…it's about time.  Now if only the Raiders would get their act together. *Edit (Oct. 7, 2006): I saw this today on the SFist… Niner Fans–The kind of football fans who drink wine before games Raider Fans–The kind of football fans who are usually associated with the words "out on parole" Conclusion–Raiders…

  • Ok, this one’s for my boys. I love them to death, but they need some work on learning how to play pranks on people. Some tips that come to mind: Do not conspire in public or talk about doing a prank in front of the people you’re prankin’ on. Don’t do anything while the prank-ees…

  • Aaaahhhhhh!!!!

    Mackenzie’s too cute. Look at how her fingers are all spread out. She let out a huge scream going down too. I just want to eat her up.

  • First day at the new job. First thing that went on was the Monday morning prayer meeting. It’s gr…