More geeky than girly.


  • Asian Americans and Churches Nut has been torn between different types of churches. Here’s some interesting articles (courtesy of enscriptchun) on that topic: Asian American churches & integration Struggles of Asian American churches for equality

  • Antitrust Just finished watching Antitrust. Not bad. We were predicting and criticizing different aspects of the movie. Funny how I see things through such a critical eye now. But I suggest for those techies who are out of work now, don’t watch this movie. It’s kinda depressing in the beginning seeing how good it is…

  • Friday Five

    Friday Five 1. What’s your favorite vacation spot? Anywhere but here. 2. Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth? Harris Ranch, on highway 5 driving to L.A. 3. What would be your dream vacation? I don’t know if I would call it a dream vacation. But I think it’d be cool…

  • Chinese New Year Money So when is a person too old to get lay-see money? I’ve noticed that I’ve gotten less and less over the years (not that I expect it any more). As a kid, I remember getting a lot. I guess it is a good thing that Chinese families are so big…more hung…

  • Midweek Boarding I went boarding yesterday (yes, midweek) with Jaime. It was awesome! Snow was good, mountain wasn’t very crowded, and we got cheap tickets! The weather was pretty nice. We experienced what Jaime calls “really dense fog.” So it was misty/sprinkling in the morning, but cleared up in the afternoon. We got so many…

  • Weekend Review On Friday, we celebrated Caleb’s FIRST birthday party. Let me tell you, that kid has so many toys! It was fun watching him help open the gifts by pulling on the wrapping. Good thing I did worship on Sunday, or else I probably would have been late because I didn’t have my alarm…

  • Olympic Figure Skating I never knew China had medal contending figure skating pairs. It was cool watching them compete. Too bad the Canadian pair didn’t win gold even though they seemed to have skated better than the Russian team. Judging is so subjective. By the way, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR’S EVE! I don’t know why…

  • Chinese New Year Advice Never go into Chinatown the weekend before Chinese New Year unless you have no other choice. I had to walk from one end to the other and back, TWICE!!! Man, people just walk right into you like nothing! And those old ladies can get to what they want, no matter who’s…

  • I haven’t posted in a while, or been online either, for that matter. There is something that is weighing on my heart, but I don’t know what it is. People ask me all sorts of questions and I usually answer most of them with ease. That is, I did until a few nights ago when…

  • Ok, since I’ve had a little time to recover, I figured I’d finally write about my weekend. Warning: the following post is not for the faint-hearted. Friday: People from my fellowship group came over and we had a taco night. Bad season for tacos because lettuce and tomatoes are extremely expensive at the grocery stores.…

  • I finally got around to putting up some pictures that were taken at my friends’ wedding a couple weeks ago. We were at the reception in a nice hotel. The MC, who was the DJ for that night and who was WAY too cheesy, had just announced the wedding party. He then announced the bride…

  • Jonathan went to David . . . and helped him find strength in God. 1 Samuel 23:16 I wanted to post this yesterday, but I was too tired. I finally met with my prayer partner last night, after a long hiatus due to busy schedules. We had a chance to share and pray for each…

  • “The common quest or vision which unites Friends does not absorb them in such a way that they remain ignorant or oblivious of one another. On the contrary it is the very medium in which their mutual love and knowledge exist. One knows nobody so well as one’s ‘fellow.’ Every step of the common journey…

  • Check out today’s cartoon from my favorite comic strip. I feel like the girl in the red shirt. Boo… Free play day today and received yet another student discount with my ID. I think the title of this site should be “How to make use of your college ID.” Went to the SFMOMA and checked…

  • You know what happens when you go snowboarding, but you don’t exercise regularly? You get intensely sore. I was able to get a discount with my student ID for the second time, woohoo!! The first time was when I watched Ocean’s Eleven. Friday’s are college days and tickets are really cheap. The weather was pretty…

  • 9 pages, and it’s still too long with too much left unsaid. It reads like an undergraduate paper. Oh well, it is finished. I didn’t get a chance to post this up yet, but here goes. I watched Ocean’s Eleven on New Year’s Day. Now that’s a GREAT movie. I guess I only feel that…

  • Did you know that in China, people get the day after the holiday off from work, not the holiday itself? That’s pretty smart, because you get to recover from the festivities. I just went to go exchange a set of snow chains. I told the lady that I had bought the chains a while back,…

  • Today, I had my first white elephant gift exchange of the season with the high schoolers. I think some of the guys found it awkward due to all the “girly” gifts. (There are only 2 guys in the group–only 1 when Dustin’s at school, poor Matt). The approximate cost of the gift was $5, so…

  • Finished the draft of one paper, with many more left. Such is the life of the student: writing papers on a Friday night. We just had our last “current issues” class meeting yesterday. During the break (it’s a 3 hour class), the professor asked if anyone wanted a burrito. She was buying that day. Everyone…