More geeky than girly.


  • I couldn’t look away. So entertaining.

  • Edited: Friday, August 22 When I got back, everyone kept asking why I didn’t stay for the Olympics. My answer was “it’s better watching it on TV.” But now that I’ve seen these pictures, I guess being at the opening ceremonies wouldn’t have been too bad. More here or check out some weird Olympics photos.

  • Just found this in my Google Calendar: Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? We do, too. In fact this problem became so serious at times that it sometimes resulted in lacklustre attendance at team meetings. To help solve the problem we’ve created an innovative solution called the Google Wake Up…

  • Update (Mar. 24): Jon’s away message: if jabbawockeez don’t win this thursday, america is stupid. Me: ooh, i agree with you about the jabbawockeez Jon: HECK YEA!! did you vote? Me:haha…aileen and i had to… Jon: vote some more. like 10x a day. do it online yeahhh do it!! I’m gonna vote alot tonite also…

  • So I’m leaving at the end of June and won’t be back until the first week of August. My cube-mate and I share a calendar for our schedules. I’ll be gone for the entire month of July. Look what he put up: +- Check out this guy’s demonstration of the evolution of dance. Good times.

  • Here goes another (I wonder how much of this people know about me): Place an X by all the things you’ve done, or remove the X from the ones you have not, then answer the following questions and post it on your blog.” My comments in []. ( x )Smoked a cigarette [that’s according to…

  • Teaching

    Saturday night was TAD: Teacher’s Appreciation Day. We were tricked by the pastor’s wife (yes, th…

  • I watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose last weekend. Nothing special. The courtroom acting was ente…

  • I love that tagline. I realized how much I miss my online photo album. Anyways, since I never posted up any pictures from my New York trip, here’s some from both: Here’s how close I got to the Statue of Liberty in New York: And here’s how close I was to the Statue of Liberty…

  • First NFL game

    Just got back from watching the Niners. It was pretty fun. We sat in a handicap seating area so we had lots of leg room. I gotta say that it was pretty low energy compared to what I imagine it would be like at a regular season game. What do I mean? Well, let me…

  • Friday Five

    Ooh, I remembered to do the Friday Five: 1. Who is your favorite singer/musician? Why? I’m going to date myself on this one. One of my favorite singers is Janet Jackson. She can do everything: sing, dance, and act. 2. What one singer/musician can you not stand? Why? I don’t really like John Mayer’s voice.…

  • Congratulations to Penguingolfer who graduated yesterday. I was at the ceremony when I saw this kid wearing a t-shirt that said “OC: Overly Caucasian, do not place on dance floor.” I just about cracked up in front of him. Good thing I had a little something called “self-control.” They might as well make another t-shirt…

  • Matrix rave

    Lock: Not everyone believes in what you believe. Morpheus: My beliefs do not require them to. I love it! Go watch it. Why do most opportunities to go out occur during the times when I should be studying most? I’m supposed to watch X2 tomorrow night also, but I might have to skip out on…

  • Random stuff

    Check out the yellow sign in the third picture. By the way, I haven’t gotten a chance to write this until now. From my “to do list” (as in A Walk to Remember): Shoot a gun Eat fresh sugar cane Several weeks ago, I went to a shooting range with some friends. I shot a…

  • I now know why Mr. Miyagi used the wax on, wax off method. I guess I really never knew why he couldn’t just wax on the whole thing, then wax off afterwards. My arms are really sore. But if your arms aren’t sore, try playing a new version of Breakout. I’ve only had my little…

  • Happy Birthdays to Kent and Jerry. I’ve always wanted to learn how to breakdance. You know those books in the Bible: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians? I think I’ve just found my new favorite way to remember them…(ok, this is only for those Toisan people out there)…GEP-C…pronounced…GEPP-SEE. Aren’t you proud to be Toisan? In golfing…

  • We watched a video on the killer at thurston high, or part of the video, in class. The topic for today was adolescent anti-social behaviors. The kid had exhibited many problem behaviors. Kid was getting into all different kinds of trouble. The parents did all they could, but was unable to help their son. Then…

  • I finally got around to putting up some pictures that were taken at my friends’ wedding a couple weeks ago. We were at the reception in a nice hotel. The MC, who was the DJ for that night and who was WAY too cheesy, had just announced the wedding party. He then announced the bride…